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10 of the Best


from the Pivotal Network 2013

Why Your Articles Need Some Bread

Eaten a sandwich recently? Notice how the contents don’t seem to spill all over your clothes?
You know why there’s almost no spillage? Sure you do.
It’s called bread. Bread holds the sandwich together and prevents you from looking like a two year old that can’t handle their food.

If you want your client to walk away with one dominant idea, you’ve got to use the sandwich for your communication.

Um...stop saying huh, and click on this link and all will be revealed!

So what’s this sandwich technique and how can I use it?
Good question. Your article/sales letter/sales pitch requires something to hold it together. So there’s two ways I can do this. I can ramble on forever, or I can show you.


Time Management Tips for Home Business Owners: How to Make More Money with Less Time & Energy

Many people equate hard work with success.
They mistakenly believe if they work harder, they'll eventually get everything they want in life. That's only a myth. In fact, there's absolutely NO correlation between how hard you work and how much money you put into your bank account....
Here are my top 5 strategies to help you manage your time & make more money with less time and energy:


Understand the Power of Now:  3 simple steps to embrace the moment


If you've ever been in an emergency where you felt supercharged, and responded instantly with a startling clarity of action - you've entered the state that Tolle believes is our natural mode of being. But how do you stop the chatter in your head that blocks this pure state of mind? With so much to do and think about all the time, we need to learn to quiet the compulsive thinking of the mind.

Below are three simple steps to help you get in touch with your natural state of mind - without the chatter. In other words, it's how you tap into The Power of Now.


Your Public Speaking Introduction – Prepare for Success



The introduction to your speech is not your opening.


The introduction begins before you do.


Usually your speech is introduced by an M.C.


You will have planned your speech - its opening and its introduction - to work best for you and for that speech. You need to put the same amount of planning, and exercise the same amount of control over the way you and your speech are introduced by the M.C. It can have a huge effect on the way the audience sees you before you begin. So rather than having to make up for a poor introduction, ensure you get a good one – one that works for you.


There are five basic ingredients your introduction needs to have.  >>>





Practise Being like a child.

Remember the master teacher once said 2000 years ago, "Unless you can become like little children, your chances are zero; you haven't got a prayer."

A major consideration for adults.
Be like children and remember there are four ways to be more like a child no matter how old you get…


5 Facts About Writing Articles That Will Increase Your Sales, Marketing and Brand Reputation

It is no secret that writing articles online and getting them published on article marketing websites yields much more than just traffic to your website. With a great writing style and knowledge of what attracts people, you will be able to reel in perspective customers in a very professional and expert manner. In fact, if traditional article writing is combined with SEO efforts, you will soon realize that there is a lot for you to benefit from.

However, if you are a business woman who is new to the field and haven't yet learned all there is to learn, don't worry because this article is going to tell you about some of the top benefits of article writing. So, read the following points and start implementing this great strategy in your business right away.




Unleashing your inner networker

Being proactive with networking allows you to foster relationships out of want, rather than need. While each of us can approach networking in our own path, here are some tips to take your proactive networking to a new level:



Help Your Kids Love Reading

Do you feel like getting your kids to read is similar to pulling teeth? Do they look at you when you ask them to read as if you are torturing them-- giving you an eye roll and maybe a gasp of exasperation?


As if all this isn't enough, we don't really encourage reading as a nation. By the time a child has begun middle school, the "being smart isn't cool" cultural belief is loud and clear. Just look at the movies we watch, the TV we view, the role models we follow. Think about the messages these cultural icons send to our kids.

>>> Strategies to help your child


Ten Ways to Strengthen Your Reading Habit

Most people wish they read more.


It is an activity that is both fun and enlightening. It can help us be more knowledgeable and successful. However, it is an activity that many people don't engage in very much. According to the 1999 National Household Education Survey, 50% of the U.S. population aged 25 and over read a newspaper at least once a week, read one or more magazines regularly, and had read a book in the past 6 months.


What does this mean?


It means that 50% of the population hasn't read a book in the last six months!


Looking at the other end of the spectrum, research shows that if you read ten books a year, you are in the top few percent of all people as readers. Simply stated, it doesn't take much to be well read, but we do need to know how to get started. The following are ten suggestions to help you strengthen your reading habit - ways to find and make more time for reading.


No doubt you've heard sayings about happiness and the power of positive thinking. For instance, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" and "some pursue happiness, others create it." Turns out that optimism truly is a powerful force. And, regardless of your circumstances or personal setbacks, you can choose to approach life with a sunny outlook, transforming negative thoughts into positive ones and increasing your chances of success. 

Still not convinced? Here are five findings that prove the power of positivity.



10 of the best  - from the Pivotal Network in 2013


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