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Genre Writing




New Letter Writing Interactive

This is a fun way to learn about letter writing, check out the sample letters, helpful hints and the fantastic letterhead designs to choose from

Year 6 explanatory text

Telling stories with PowerPoint

Ollie up: Books rule/Crocs rule

Introduces two Blackboard courses in The Learning Place designed to help students develop an understanding for narrative texts using 'The enormous crocodile' by Roald Dahl (Crocs rule) or any novel (Books rule).
(Level: MP - UP)

Genre Writing: Constructing a Brochure or Pamphlet
Student guide to constructing a brochure or pamphlet designed by Jenni King, Brigidine College Library, Queensland. This resource, targeted at middle school students sets out a definition of a brochure, its purpose, audience, textual features, contextual features, and a rubric for assessing a brochure.

Who's Got Mail? Using Literature to Promote Authentic Letter Writing
 This activity uses literature and shared writing to teach letter-writing format and promote authentic letter writing. Students listen to and talk about stories dealing with correspondence, then participate in a collaborative, whole-group letter-writing activity.