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Issue Number 72
Greetings from
the Pivotal Network
Resources for
the times when you pivot – change direction – towards your
personal best …
Your personal
best – it’s Pivotal!
our inspiration
“People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals /
that is, goals that do not inspire them.”
Main Article:
achieve the goals that you set
we just don't know enough about what we are trying to achieve.
Stuart Wilde
question that I am asked most often is….
can I be sure that, this time, I achieve the goals that I set?
my answer is….First, get clear about what is that you want to
achieve. You may think this is obvious but, more often than not
though, I find that prospective clients who come to me thinking
that they are clear about what they want and, in fact, are not.
how do you determine if you are clear about what you want?
Start by asking yourself a few simple questions. Can you
succinctly state what it is that you want? Can you explain why
you want this? How will you feel when you’ve achieved your goal?
Let’s look at an example. Suppose that you want to be rich. Ask
yourself what this means. Is it a certain amount of money, or is
it specific possessions such as a car or a mansion or maybe a
particular life style that you are after? Be clear about what
rich means to you.
Next, ask yourself why you want this. Let’s say that you’ve
established that rich, to you, means having $1,000,000. Ok. Why
do you want this $1,000,000? I am sure that you do not want to
simply amass bank notes. What do you want this money for? Is it
that you want to exchange the money for luxury vacations, or to
become debt free, or buy the home you always dreamed of…go
ahead, you fill in the blanks.
What’s next… now that you know What you want and Why?
you determine exactly why you want to achieve your goal,
establish how achieving this goal makes you feel. This part is
always very enlightening. Ask yourself what your life will be
like. Picture it if you are visual, feel it if you are sensory,
or think it if you have a more cognitive nature. The point is
get to the essence of why you want what you want.
is the Essence?
Essence is the ultimate nature of something i.e. having
$1,000,000 makes you feel secure, peaceful and confident. Really
dig deep here – experience the essence.
Don’t risk getting more of what you have…
Skimp on getting clear and get more of what you have …Unrealized
Goals. We both know you don’t want that! So, go ahead ask
yourself 3 simple questions:
1)What is your goal? Be specific!
2)Why do you want to achieve this goal?
3)How will your life be different when you achieve it? Get to
the Essence of how you feel.
Invest the time and get clear about what you want up front.
Remember that, sooner or later, you will need to do this anyway.
Getting clear about what you want is the 1st step in Goal
Achievement. Need some more help? Grab your Free 5 Part
mini-course at
with Passion!
Mastery Guide©
Roibu, the founder of is a successful
entrepreneur drawing on 20 years of global corporate experience
and excellence in building and growing businesses, developing
effective teams and executive mentoring and coaching. Joanne’s
work spans across the US, Europe, Latin America, Australia and
Asia. She is an advanced Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
practitioner, accredited by the AAMET. You can contact Joanne by
writing to
From the Blogs – Pivotal Personal Best
Video: What are the biggest email mistakes?

Click on the picture to get to the video.
Have you done the fingers on eyelids test?
Book Review: The Manager's Guide to Effective Meetings

by Barbara J. Streibel
In our increasingly collaborative work
environment, the ability to manage results-driven meetings has
become a critical career asset. Let The Manager's Guide to
Effective Meetings provide you with a step-by-step template for
energizing your next meeting, and transforming it from a roomful
of clock-watching individuals into a collaboration of involved
and enthusiastic partners. (more
Buy the book from
Amazon or, if you are a Pivotal Gold Member,
request your free copy. Not a member?
Join here
You can easily download our 312-49 Certification study guide, exam 642-617 exam product and 650-177 exam training solutions and can also get 100% help from Testking FCNSP exam questions and JN0-101 training dumps.
More on Meetings
Personal Health and Wellbeing
“As human
beings, we all share certain basic wants and needs: we have need
for food, water, shelter, safety, love, respect and self esteem.
We all share an in-built tendency, as Freud stated, to want to
move away from pain and toward pleasure. This tendency is part
of the human condition for our own good; it keeps us away from
harm and generally helps us to make good choices. Most people
settle for a pursuing a career that satisfies these basic human
wants and needs; and never really think beyond them to what
their life could be about”
Learn how to
become the person you were meant to be …….
Build your Wealth
5 Easy Ways to Repel Money
talks about the Law of Attraction. Attract Money. Manifest
wealth. Blah blah blah blah blah. You can chant and vibrate all
you like, but good luck becoming a money magnet when money finds
you repulsive.
Got too much cash? Here are five easy things you can do TODAY to
repel money faster than you can say Fannie Mae and AIG:
Remember that $5,000 you lent to your
cousin/sister/nephew/friend? Forget about it. You don’t want to
make waves, right?
One of the most foolish, money-repelling actions you can take is
to loan money to people who have been irresponsible with their
own. If they didn’t respect their own money, they aren’t going
to respect yours… and when you allow people to disrespect your
money, YOU’RE disrespecting your money. When money isn’t
respected, it leaves.
What’s usually going on is you want to be liked more than you
want to be paid. You’re saying, “The money doesn’t matter. See
what a great person I am?” If someone told you that you didn’t
matter, would you want to stick around?
The irony is the person who owes you money doesn’t like you.
Every time he thinks of you he thinks of what he owes you, then
he feels guilty, then he resents you. If he can resent you
enough, he can justify why he shouldn’t have to pay you back.
If you don’t value your money enough collect what you’re owed,
don’t expect money to hang around.
The economy’s crashing, so you better slash your rates, right?
Sure, if you want to project fear and a lack of confidence. I
don’t care what you’ve heard about the economy, etc. If you
treat your contribution as worth less, so will others. You do
NOT want to be the person people hire because you’re cheap!
There’s an underlying contempt for money when you encourage
people to hire you because you’re cheap. You’re telling your
customers that being paid well isn’t important to you. Even
worse, you’re telling your customer and yourself that you don’t
deserve to be paid well. How attractive is that?
It’s a downward spiral: your clients will invest less, get less
back, see you as less valuable, and you’ll find yourself
struggling for less and less. You lose all credibility. A better
strategy is to charge more and make sure the value you give is
even better.
It’ll all work itself out, somehow.
My late friend John Berg came up with a formula for managing
· What do you have?
· What do you owe?
· Where does it come from?
· Where does it go?
If you can’t answer these questions off the top of your head, or
within a day, you aren’t paying attention.
How does ignorance show up? Missing funds. Under-employment and
under-insurance. Unpaid credit balances and overdrafts.
Borrowing more than you can pay off. The collapse of our banking
system. The war in Iraq.
You pay with attention, or you pay with pain. Either way, you
Settle! That messy house and those critical “friends” and those
difficult clients aren’t such a big deal…
They’re a bigger deal than you think.
You train the universe how to treat you. Every day that you live
with that burnt out light bulb, that messy desk, or that client
who doesn’t pay you on time, you’re sending out the message to
the world (and to yourself) that this is as good as you get;
this is what you deserve.
It’s harder to attract jobs and money and all those things you
desire when you feel undeserving. Money doesn’t like losers.
Raise your standards. Clear the crap. Say no. This can be
terrifying, so start with baby steps. You’ll build your
confidence and momentum, and you’ll create space for what you
want. Be more committed to who you want to be than to who you’ve
been. Money loves this.
You’re an enlightened soul here to save the world and spread
your art, right? You’re not in it for the money, oh no. It’s
just terrible that we live in such a materialistic society.
Money is the root of all evil.
Yeah, right. And money feels the same way about you too.
You adopt the values of the people you spend your time with. If
you want to struggle and snipe and justify your unfulfilled
dreams, seek out more of the same. Money is the villain and the
big excuse, and money doesn’t like it one bit.
If you want to attract money, look for attractive people. Look
for the people who model the life and you values you want.
Associate with success. Their values and strategies will become
your values and strategies. Their reality becomes your reality.
But please… don’t come looking for a handout. If you want to
create a relationship with someone who has something you want,
you have to bring something to the table too. Invest in a coach,
a class, a teacher, and a community that will shape you into the
person attractive to money.
Author: Morgana Rae, a master results coach and the
creator of Financial Alchemy, is president of Charmed Life
Coaching, a successful life and business coaching company that
guides clients to attract more than they chase and to enjoy
success without sacrificing their humanity. A leading expert on
wealth manifestation, Morgana is a popular speaker and frequent
television and radio guest. Her Financial Alchemy books, cds,
magazine articles and classes have impacted the lives of
thousands of people worldwide. Morgana writes, speaks, and
coaches from a desire to witness a whole world of intentional,
empowered, charmed living! Contact Morgana at
Computer Corner
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tapping the plus (or minus for smaller) keys (the mouse
wheel works with Ctrl for this too). To
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Books and Reading
This week’s Must-reads …
Shortlisted for the Miles Franklin Award
by Gail Jones |
The White Tiger: A Novel
Winner: Man Booker Prize 2008
Diary of a Bad Year
by J. M. Coetzee |
Winner: Best Crime Novel
by Katherine Howell
The Front
by Patricia Cornwall
You can read all the reviews of these books
Want to add
one to your library for free? Check out how at the Book Club
I also added reviews for these books for kids …
Gingerbread Friends by Jan Brett
Includes lesson plans,
classroom helpers, a recipe for
gingerbread, a printable
& instructions for a Christmas gingerbread garland |
High School Musical 3
The Books, the movie, the games, downloads and lesson
plans |
Where the Streets had a name
By Randa Abdel-Fattah |
The Big Splash
by Jack Ferraiolo |
Click on the pictures to read more.
More on Books and Reading
Public Speaking
Power. The Care and Feeding of the Professional Voice
Whether it's
the rich, resonant tones of Richard Burton, the breathiness of
Marilyn Monroe or the nasality of Fran Drescher, the sound of
the voice conjures up an image—an impression—and can influence
perception. (...more)
Help I Have to Give a Speech!
Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE simplifies and demystifies the process
of designing your!
You will learn:
The one
sentence you must clarify to start your speech
easy-to-adapt formula to design your presentation
How to
speak to be remembered and repeated
secrets to connecting with every audience
What makes
you and your presentation persuasive
Click here:
For Parents
that promote Creativity
out the creativity in your children – we’ve put together
articles so you can get some ideas, and then a list of toys that
our research shows are the best at promoting creativity.
here …
Just for Fun
What to say
when your friends ask you a question …
and Grow Rich!”
Make $100,000 a Year or More as a Freelance Writer Working at
Home ... and Have the Time of Your Life Doing It!
The writing life is a great life - being able to avoid the
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thinking, reading, and writing for clients. Bob Bly certainly
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Making $100,000 a year or more as a freelance writer is not at
all difficult.
In fact, it's surprisingly easy to make a lot of
money writing ... as long as you know the few dozen proven
tricks and techniques that I want to teach you. If you will let
me.” For more information on his programme, visit:
Write and Grow Rich
Create Your Success
Would you like
to double your income this year? Now that is a silly question
for most people. Would you like to do it without working
No matter how
successful you currently are, most people have blocks that keep
them from moving ahead any further in life.
Success does
not have to be a struggle like many would have you believe. You
can learn how to set yourself apart from the group and change
your current results no matter what your present conditions.
Action is one
of the keys to success. Click the link below, Start your future
Create Your Success
Sell More of Your Services to More, Bigger, and Better Clients
Those who
make the most money in any field, industry, or profession are
not necessarily those who have the most knowledge, are most
experienced in their craft, or sell the highest quality service.
No, those
who make the most money, charge the top fees, and are constantly
in demand are those who are best at selling and marketing
Now, with
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skills you need to be more confident in selling ... enjoy it
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So what are
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Selling Your Services
Contact me for details
Closing thought
you only do what you know you can do- you never do very much.”
Tom Krause
My very best
wishes for the coming fortnight,
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