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Lesson Plan on Ramadan (Islamic Holiday)
AUTHOR: Christy Ferguson


Islam for Kids

September 1st marks the beginning of Ramadan, the month-long Islamic observance that stresses fasting, worship, contemplation, and family. Many non-Muslim children (and their parents) know very little about how Muslims practice their faith. This great site will answer the most common questions that kids and adults have about Islam, including what the month of Ramadan and the celebration Eid ul-Fitr are. The site is organized in a simple Q&A format and the answers are written for kids in upper elementary and middle school. In addition to information about Islam, kids can also, from links on the home page, find answers to questions about other world religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Christianity


“Just the facts on the world’s religions”

Religious Costume & Clothing Links at the Costumer's Manifesto
A compilation of links to dozens of sites about traditional
 religious apparel. "In this list many religions are grouped together by clothing style, not necessarily by philosophical affiliation. So, for example Lutherans and Anglicans are grouped with Catholics (since they use similar vestments) while Byzantine Catholics are grouped with Eastern Orthodox for the same reason." Maintained by a costume designer and theater professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

World Religions: Faith and Belief
 Links to sites related to world religions compiled by Rosemary Horton,
P.L. Duffy Resource Centre, Trinity College, Western Australia.

 Understanding Religions Around the World

 Links to major world religions and their history, leaders, basic beliefs
and texts, symbols and places of worship, observances, and the impact of
each religion on geography and government.



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Getting Involved in Your child's Education

When parents are involved in their children's education, kids do better in school.1. Want to learn how to help your child achieve and succeed? Read on! You'll learn why involvement is so important and suggestions for how to get involved.


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