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Broadly speaking, the short words are the best,

and the old words best of all.

Sir Winston Churchill


More Public Speaking Quotes

In public speaking, you must keep in mind that in verbal communication there are no second chances for the audience to catch your remarks. Keep your talk simple and easy to recognize. Successful speeches contain no more than three central points. Four points is an absolute maximum. More will mystify the audience and waste their time - and yours.

Don’t Try to Learn By Heart Your Speech

Don’t learn by heart your speech. If you do not memorize it entirely, you will stumble, or worse, forget. Even if it is well memorized, you have to remind each word as it comes. This preoccupation makes your words sound rehearsed, cold and lifeless rather than impulsive, warm and earnest.

Rehearse Your Speech By Standing

Rehearse your speech. You will give the speech by means of standing up. Therefore, rehearse standing up. Rehearse your posture. Rehearse your actions. Preferably rehearse in a room the same size as the room you will speak in. After you have given several speeches, you will learn how many rehearsals you necessitate for a successful speech

Enclose Wealth of Information in Your Speech

If the audience is uncertain, be informative. The doubtful audience is in search of information, not memories and quotations. Give them what they’re seeking. If the audience is uninterested, use facts. Be compelling and appeasing. Appeal to their basic wants and requirements. Appeal to their open-mindedness and even-handedness. Do not be argumentative. If the audience is unresponsive, impel them by motivation. Prove the reason for the significance of your idea. Make the issue vital to the listener’s requirements. Give precise comparisons and illustrations.

Reminisce the Key Points in the Conclusion

The conclusion of your speech is regarded as a review. emphasize the key points you want your audience to remember. The listener should leave feeling interested, informed, stimulated, persuaded or convinced after listening to you talk. Your audience should feel rewarded for listening to you. Ask them to act or react to your ideas. A message devoid of a particular request is a wasted opportunity. Move them to action. Call for a specific decision within an exact time frame. A polite “thank you” is a poor way to end a speech.

Organize Main Points into a Pattern

Arrange the main points of your talk into a pattern, such as: Time order, Space order, Classification order, Cause and Effect order, and Problem and Solution order. Each of your main points should be supported by interesting and appropriate material, such as illustrations, comparisons and contrasts, specific instances, facts and figures, etc. Develop each main point in such a way that the audience will agree to it. If they are predisposed to acceptance, your goal is simply to be vivid, impressive, and dynamic. The audience doesn’t require to be hit over the head with arguments. They are already impressed. They already be consistent with you.

Avoid Conversation with Audience

While it is still certain that the status, position and occupation of your listeners affect the slant of your remarks, don’t talk down to your audience. Don’t talk up either. It won’t gain you favor. Flattery is obvious. No matter who the person is or what she does, it is far better to speak with her. This is particularly true when you want to gain influence. Take into consideration the varying backgrounds of your audience. Whether it is 1 person or 1000, the same basic principles and strategies of the message apply.

Successful speaking is a skill just akin to walking or riding a bicycle. It takes time. preparation and practice.



 "A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience"

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

More Quotations to use in your speeches