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The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The
oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg; and in the
highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the
seedlings of realities.
James Allen
[More inspiring
Pivotal Book
Better Way to Live:
Og Mandino's Own
Personal Story of Success Featuring 17 Rules to Live By
by Og Mandino |
From the
Og Mandino tells us in this book, that "we have forgotten one of
the basic facts of life. When we were given dominion over
this world, we were also given dominion over ourselves. We
are our own navigators. It was never God's intention to
chart a map for each of us." "Life is a game" he also says,
"it's spiritual, mysterious and precious." But in order to
play the game you have to know the rules.
Seventeen rules (to be exact) to live by in order to lead a
better way to live.
This book can easily be read in one afternoon. As you start
the book you will be invited by the author to sit down and
relax in his company as he takes on the role of a raconteur,
as only Og Mandino does best.
He is the leading inspirational author in the world. But once, he
was a thirty-five year old derelict who nearly spend his
last few dollars on a suicide gun. Now, for the first time
ever, he describes the joyously redemptive process that
turned a down-and- out alcoholic into a millionaire and a
happy man within ten years. Og Mandino is the only person
who could tell this heartwarming tale of personal
triumph--because it is his own true story. And it can
profoundly influence your life. Mr. Mandino guides the
reader into following some very simple strategies to
improving your life and positively affecting the lives of
the people you come in contact with--if only briefly. One of
his most important rules to live by includes the belief that
children need models not critics. Another, remember to keep
a sense of humour about yourself and your mistakes. If we
laugh at our mistakes, first, others will laugh with us not
at us. And that can be a lot of fun! A simple, direct method
for living a fulfilled life!
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The Power of love.
Overcome your deepest fears

on the picture
You only have one
life to live.
You don't have
time to become attached to anything!
Live your passion,
live your life: These are a few of the Secrets to Success.
Everyone can
become successful.
There is enough
room in the universe for EVERYONE to have what they want!
Do you wish you could work less and play more? Are you so stuck in the
rut you can’t see a way out? Have you ever said I wish I had more time
for me? Well there is hope. First of all you have to be aware of your
situation, have a strong desire to change and then take action.
Read on …
[More on Time Management]