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Developing the
body language of confidence can be really important when
attending job interviews, presenting, dealing with complaints
and being involved in related activities. One confident person
differs from another in their body language but these are some
general guidelines.

Ask Yourself 3 Little Questions In a Specific Order And You'll Completely Change Your Life

Take your life back - Take
Feeling scattered, stuck, procrastinating? Do you want
more time and a sense of direction and accomplishment? Peace of mind and order?
Take your life back! Get and stay focused, organized and on track with the
following 3 online workbooks. Each workbook includes 30 days of email support.
Take each program at your convenience. SAVE by buying the package of 3. PLUS
receive one full year of weekly email support to keep your goals on track. PLUS
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Take Control
In the same sense...
* When you focus on the negative aspects of other people, they
tend to bother you more often.
* When you focus on the negative aspects of your business/work, you
tend to feel more
uptight, annoyed or stressed.
It is not that people, work or life bothers us. Rather, it is
the negative aspects of people, work or life that we focus on that tend to
bother us.
Becoming resilient to pressure is a
How fast you bounce back from stress, pressure and burnout is a choice.
> Question: So, how do you choose to be
> Answer: By
practicing gratitude
Optimism Increases Productivity
How am I going to get
through all this work?
I don't know what will happen if I fail?
What happens if we don't meet the sales
I hope that I don't get sick!
this is a familiar train of thought then
you are in trouble!
Pessimism has been found to not only
increase stress, but also increases
incidence of illness &
absenteeism, tiredness, slower recovery
from surgery, low self esteem, and
causes the under use of abilities.
You simply cannot afford
to 'put up' with a bad mood, having a
miserable day, or negative colleagues.
Pessimism will drain both your
productivity and quality of life.
Do you "feel the fear" when asked to do some public speaking?
Public speaking is still one of our greatest fears and it turns grown
men and women into nervous wrecks. The mere thought of it turns our
tongue to cotton wool, causes our internal plumbing to act up and turns
our knees to jelly.
Well, there's no need for all of this because help is at hand. All you
need to remember are your P's and Q's. Let's start with the P's
Time Management - STOP and
be aware of how you are using the precious time of your life. Receive lots of
tips and tools to be more organized and productive. Reduce stress, chaos and
procrastination as you gain freedom and achieve more results. Workbook includes
30 days of email support.

Imagine how much happier and more confident
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The Body You Deserve.
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Keeping Acquired Information Fresh in Your
Remembering things in the long-term can be
tricky. Yet, especially in today’s busy
times, increasing deadline-related projects
and growing to-do lists, much of the
information we take-in needs to be “stored”
for later use or application.
Surprisingly, it may be as simple as
reviewing the knowledge you need absorb and
apply later more frequently.