You probably get at least one of these among your
monthly credit card bills. We're talking about a
remittance envelope that offers you things you may
or may not want to order.
But have you ever considered borrowing that same
idea and adding helpful information to your own
reply envelope?
Because on most fundraising packages, the back (and
back flap) of the BRE is as bare as a baby's . . .
well, you get the idea. So why not utilize that
valuable — and empty — space to promote your group
and its mission?
Well, the smart folks at The Smile Train (New York
NY) have made good use of the reply back and, as a
result, elevated what's otherwise a pretty average
acquisition package.
The Smile Train provides surgery for children in
impoverished nations around the world who are born
with cleft lips and palates. The BRE's back flap —
which covers almost the entire envelope and seals
along the bottom — spotlights the group's work with
a headline reading, "Give A Child A Second Chance At
Life." It's accompanied by "before" and "after"
photos of a boy who has benefited from the surgery.
Printed inside the flap, the copy (which fills the
entire space) tells prospects what The Smile Train
can accomplish with their support. It asks, "Would
you like to help a child smile for the first time in
his or her life?" And continues, "It could be the
most precious gift you'll ever give." It also
emphasizes that "100% of your donation goes towards
programs — 0% goes towards overhead." Now that's
certainly something to tout!
Below the inside flap — that is, the bottom portion
of the envelope back — are testimonials from three
famous Americans: Walter Cronkite, Candice Bergen,
and John Glenn.
This is one BRE that does a lot more than give
donors a place to put their check. In fact, it might
even be the catalyst that gets them to do just that!