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"The only thing that stands between a man
and what he wants from life is often merely
the will to try
it and the faith to believe that it is possible."
Richard M. DeVos
"Every thought-seed sown or allowed
to fall into the mind, and to take root there, produces its own,
blossoming sooner or later into act, and bearing its own
fruitage of opportunity and circumstance. Good thoughts bear
good fruit, bad thoughts bad fruit." - As A Man Thinketh
My friend, Mark Shearon, once posed a very enlightening question
to a telephone audience, "Are you thinking about what you're
thinking about?" Read that sentence again and read it carefully.
It's not a play on words.
Most people give very little thought to what occupies their
thinking and ever fewer people understand that "good thoughts
bear good fruit, bad thoughts, bad fruit." Most of us understand
the law of sowing and reaping in other aspects of life, but we
fail to understand that this same law is just as potent when our
thoughts are involved.
A June 1997 story in the Wall Street Journal said that HMOs
reported that as much as 70 percent of all visits to a primary
care physician are for a psychosomatic illness -- a disorder
that involves both mind and body. According to Dr. David Sobel,
a primary care physician and author of the highly respected
Mind-Body Health Newsletter, only 16 percent of people who visit
their physician for common maladies like nausea, headache and
stomach upset are diagnosed with a physical, organic cause. That
means that a whopping 84% are suffering from an illness that
originated in 'Thought'!
These statistics tell us that the majority of people literally
think their way into sickness.
If you've never trained yourself in "right thinking," I
challenge you to spend today monitoring and recording your
thoughts. If your understand the power of thought in your life,
at the end of the day you won't be surprised at why your life is
where it's at today, be it good or bad.
In 'Make Your Life Worthwhile', Emmet Fox wrote, "The more you
think about lack, bad times, etc., the worse will your business
be; and the more you think of prosperity, abundance and success,
the more of these things will you bring into your life."
The more you think about your grievances or the injustices that
you have suffered, the more such trials will you continue to
receive; and the more you think of the good fortune you have
had, the more good fortune will come to you.
And that's worth thinking about.
Vic Johnson is a St. Augustine,
Florida-based Internet Infopreneur, author, speaker and founder
of a host of personal development websites. To
learn more or to order go to
http://sp1.yoursuccessstore.com or call 800-929-0434.