Humour about food
Restaurant puns to make you hungry and laugh
Fast Food
Q: What do you get if you play McDonald's Monopoly 30
Days Straight?
A: A Heart Attack!!
Q: What did the mother ghost tell the baby ghost when
she ate too fast?
A: Stop goblin your food.
Q: What do you call a pig thief?
A: A hamburglar.
Q: Why did the donut go to the dentist?
A: Because it needed a chocolate filling.
Q: Why is it called "Fast Food"?
A: It's called "fast" food because you're supposed to
eat it really fast. Otherwise, you might actually taste
Q: What did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their
A: Patty.
Q: Where do they hold prizefights in Fastfoodland?
A: In an onion ring!
A mother and her young son returned from the grocery
store and began putting away the groceries. The boy
opened a box of animal crackers and spread them out all
over the table. "What are you doing?" his mother
asked. "The box says not to eat them if the seal is
broken" the boy explained. "I'm looking for the seal."
Q: Why did the man climb to the roof of the fast food
A: They told him the meal was on the house!
"Personally I stay away from natural foods. At my age I
need all the preservatives I can get."
George Burns
What did the frog order at McDonald's?
French flies and a diet Croak
"MacDonalds in Tokyo is a terrible revenge for Pearl
SI Hayakawa
Q: What do you get when you cross a hamburger with a
A: A big mac!
7 Funny French Fast-Food Restaurants
The Week asked its readers to come up with the name of a
French fast-food restaurant:
•Brief Bourguignonne
•Kentucky Fried Chic
•Tore de Pants
•Fryer Jacques
•Have It Eur Way
•Chomps Élysées
Q: What did Sushi A say to Sushi B?
A: Wasabi!
Q: What are the best days of the week in FastFoodland?
A: Fry-day and Sundae!
Q: Did you hear about the hamburger who couldn't stop
making jokes?
A: He was on a roll!