Ages 4-6
Littlebat's Halloween
by Diane Mayr and Gideon
out from a hole in the ceiling,
Littlebat loves listening to the
librarian reading to children below. But
he's too far away to make out the
pictures, and his mother warns him that
it's too dangerous to show himself. Will
he ever be able to see them up close?
"'You must wait for changes,'" says his
mother mysteriously. So Littlebat waits,
as the seasons, the bulletin board
displays, and the leaves all change. At
last comes a storytime where the rapt
young listeners are in costume, a
jack-o-lantern glows atop a shelf, and
one small bat hanging over the
librarian's head just seems part of the
decor. Littlebat is no Stellaluna, but
like the African American librarian in
Kendall's warm-toned illustrations, he's
all smiles and amiability. Children who
delight in sharing stories will find
kindred spirits here, and with plenty of
clear visual cues both inside and
outside the airy children's library to
mark passing seasons and holidays, this
is a natural candidate for thematic
programs as well as Halloween story
Buy new : $15.95
$12.92 |
Baby Strawberry's First Halloween
(Strawberry Shortcake Baby)
Board Book
by SI Artists
"Baby Strawberry's First Halloween" is
another holiday book in the exciting new
Baby Strawberry line. This cute book finds
Strawberry and all her friends dressed for
Halloween. Strawberry is actually dressed
as, well, a strawberry! Custard the cat is a
witch, with Pupcake a pirate. That's just a
couple of the great outfits in this book.
The book comes with a punch out keepsake
picture frame. The illustrations are bright,
cheerful, and sweet. Another great book for
"Strawberry Shortcake" fans.
Buy new
: $4.99 |
Scarecrow Finds a Friend
by Rifken, Blume, Gail
M. Kearns, and Carl W. Wenzel
This heartening tale
involves Tally, a good witch, who is
losing her power to fly. She befriends a
Scarecrow and he comes up with a plan to
save her flying power. Together they are
able to get back Tally's flying power,
express their gratitude to each other,
and give young readers a few surprises
along the way. The story illustrates to
children how comforting and rewarding a
good friendship can be as well as how
much fun it is to solve a problem with
the help of someone who cares about
them. A beautifully illustrated
children's book for ages 4-8.
Buy new
$14.95 $10.17
Skeleton Bones and Goblin Groans: Poems for
by Amy
E. Sklansky and Karen Dismukes
From skeletons to
vampires, the creepy icons of Halloween
are presented in this collection of
short, engaging poems. Forms of poetry
are varied; some selections are very
short, others longer, most rhyming, and
some draped across spreads. "What Should
I Be?" sets the stage as the narrator
must decide on a costume while voicing
the ultimate goal of Halloween for most
children: "…superhero,/wise old
wizard,/goblin for a night./Whatever I
decide to be/(monster, hero, beast),/I
want to get an early start/collecting
all the treats!" Each playful poem is
placed on a textured, brightly colored
collage created by beads and fabric on
canvas. The result is appealing,
animated, and appropriate for younger
children. While the alliterative
language in "Night Flight" is
imaginative with its "Flip/flap/floom"
and "Dip/dap/doom," bats do not dive
through the air "To land right in your
hair!" This error is mitigated, however,
by the overall appeal of the book and
its potential use with a broad age
range. Fresh, straightforward
collections of short, Halloween-themed
poetry are always welcome additions and
this one is particularly handsome.
Buy new
$16.95 $11.53
costumed youngsters
We’re Off to
Find the Witch’s
(Dutton, 2005), as
they “skedaddle”
past a skeleton,
“bolt” by a
Frankenstein, and
“gallop” away from a
ghost, before
reaching their
Halloween party. Mr.
Krieb’s rhythmic
text and R.W.
cartoons create a
riveting read-aloud
romp (K-Gr 2). |
can put themselves
in someone else’s
(black buckle)
shoes, as
A Very Brave
(S & S, 2006)
describes her
favorite holiday and
an unexpected
encounter with
something truly
fearsome—a human
Alison McGhee’s
winsome tale of
friendship, enhanced
by Harry Bliss’s
droll artwork, can
encourage discussion
of empathy and point
of view. |
always seems to be
eclipsed by her
older sister on
Halloween, until she
finally forgoes
being a Costume Copycat
(Dial, 2006) and
comes up with an
Maryann Macdonald’s
warmhearted story
about sibling
rivalry is amusingly
illustrated with
Anne Wilsdorf’s
watercolors. |
Outfitted by her
indulgent owners in
a pink dress and
tiara, Mercy Watson:
Princess in Disguise
(Candlewick, 2007)
heads out for a
night of
but the
pig soon finds
herself initiating a
madcap Halloween
chase. Kate
chapters and Chris
Van Dusen’s
slapstick artwork
make it a perfect
title for newly
confident readers
and for sharing
Tale Connections
(K-Gr 2)
cloaked in Halloween
trappings, these
familiar plotlines
and characters won’t
be able to hide from
savvy readers who
will eagerly point
out parallels to
traditional tales.
Employing a “This Is
the House That Jack
Built” structure,
Elizabeth Hatch’s
Halloween Night
(Doubleday, 2005) is
a cumulative tale
about a mouse hiding
in a
Jimmy Pickering’s
slick, bold-colored
artwork abounds with
action and
entrancingly eerie
In Kathy Duval’s
Three Bears’
(Holiday, 2007),
Baby Bear and his
parents are out
when they enter a
scary house and
explore before being
frightened away by a
golden-haired girl
dressed as a witch.
Filled with
captivating details,
Paul Meisel’s
paintings add humor
to the tale. |
Little Green Witch
2005) finds some
pumpkin seeds, but
her friends—a ghost,
a bat, and a
gremlin—are too lazy
to help her tend the
plants that sprout.
However, when they
eagerly volunteer to
gobble up the pie
she bakes, she uses
her magic wand to
ensure that they get
their just desserts.
Barbara Barbieri
McGrath’s fine-tuned
text and Martha
whimsical artwork
make this “Little
Red Hen” tell-alike
irresistible. |
Lee Bennett
2005) compiles 12
easy-to-read poems,
illustrated by
Stacey Schuett, that
depict an assortment
of experiences, from
donning costumes to
post-treat tummy
aches (K-Gr 3). For
older readers, Joan
Horton serves up
Hoots and Howls
(Square Fish, 2008
reissue), a buffet
of written-in-verse
tidbits spiced with
humor and
illustrated in
candy-corn colors by
Joann Adinolfi (Gr
2-5). |
Kelly DiPucchio’s
laughably ludicrous
lyrics and Gris
Grimly’s gruesome
Spiders through a
(Scholastic, 2008)
offers a selection
of shockingly silly
ditties sung to
campfire tunes. From
“99 Bottles of Blood
on the Wall” to
“Take Me out to the
Graveyard,” these
offerings will
enchant fans of the
macabre, but be
forewarned, they are
not for the faint of
heart (Gr 2-5). |
and Goblins Galore
(Gr 2-5)
midnight, and all
manner of creepy
characters are
tiptoeing through
the castle. When the
guards investigate
the ruckus, they
soon find themselves
jiving and jamming
at the Madcap
Monster Ball.
(S & S, 2008) gets
down with Lisa
verses and Mark
artwork. |
Gatos Black on
(Holt, 2006)
invites readers to
another monster
shindig, as las
brujas ride
broomsticks, los
fantasmas drag
chains, and los
muertos emerge
from graves and head
for a haunted casa to dance
the night away.
Marisa Montes’s
atmospheric poem and
Yuyi Morales’s
dusky, stylized
paintings will leave
spines tingling. |
A ghostly
gourmand haunts his
former home until
the new residents
produce The Perfect Pumpkin
Pie (S
& S, 2005). With a
rhythmic refrain,
storytelling, and
gross-out artwork,
Denys Cazet’s funny
tale will leave
listeners hungry for
more. |
Can You
See What I See? On a
Scary Scary Night
(Scholastic, 2008),
Walter Wick
challenges readers
to search
intricately detailed
scenes for the items
listed in rhyming
verses. Inspired by
the folktale, “In a
Dark, Dark Wood,”
the visual narrative
begins with the
image of a far-off
haunted castle,
gradually creeps
closer and closer,
and finally zooms in
on a cluttered
cupboard and a
frightening secret
hidden within. This
eye-riveting book
will mesmerize
readers. |