When Is a Fever Too
With the nasty flu bug making its
rounds, there's only so much eating
healthy, getting enough rest,
washing your hands, getting a flu
shot, and avoiding germs one can do.
If you're unlucky enough to get the
flu, your body will hike up your
body temperature to boil away all
those germs. So, is there a point
when your temperature can get too
you get the flu, a sudden high fever
is totally normal, and it can get as
high as 104° F, and last for three
to four days. The best thing you can
do is to rest and drink plenty of
fluids, since a fever can cause you
to become dehydrated. Don't attempt
to cool off your skin with cold
packs since they'll just make you
shiver, which will end up raising
your body temperature. Instead you
should alternate between taking
Tylenol and ibuprofen every four
hours to help reduce your fever.
Alternating these meds will help to
prevent accidental overdose, and
sometimes the combination of the two
will be more effective in bringing
down your fever.
Fit's Tips: If your fever
persists for more than five days, or
it goes over 104° F, call your
doctor and get some medical advice
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