Hiring for
Executive Intelligence
Hiring managers have all but ignored standard IQ, but they
remain the best predictor of managerial success. Here is how to
design an interview that uncovers executive intelligence. A
Harvard Business Review excerpt.
by Justin Menkes
The Limits of IQ Tests
Until now, the only cognitive skills measured were those
initially identified to predict schoolchildren's academic
performance—and traditionally such skills have been measured
using IQ tests. Although IQ tests were not originally intended
for use in business, studies have shown that these instruments
predict work performance at least as well as competency
interviews do (the most common assessment tool used today for
hiring and promotion) and about ten times better than
personality tests do. That's because some of the thinking skills
that support academic success are also crucial to executive
Yet IQ testing is not widely
used as a way to identify top talent (though it plays an
indirect role, as companies may choose to hire people with
degrees from elite schools). The skills that IQ tests assess
represent a fraction of a person's existing cognitive abilities.
Some of the skills measured—such as vocabulary, arithmetic, and
spatial reasoning—have almost no relevance to managerial work.
Moreover, the topics tested would seem academic and
elementary—indeed, almost insulting—to people with extensive
professional experience.
The format is also ill suited
to business. Executives rarely if ever confront problems that
have just one right answer; nor do they have the option of
picking one answer from several choices listed. IQ test
questions don't assess the practical, on-your-feet thinking
skills needed in business. What's more, these tests have been
repeatedly accused of racial and gender bias.
tests don’t assess the practical,
on-your-feet thinking
skills needed in
business. |
Yet, despite these very real
shortcomings, IQ tests are still a better predictor of
managerial success than any other assessment tool. The business
world's reluctance to use intelligence testing of any kind
(other than assessments of emotional intelligence, which is
really about personality and style) has robbed companies of a
powerful tool for evaluating candidates for employment or
promotion. It is, however, possible to create a comparable
measure of intelligence for executives, one that tests for the
skills managers need—such as evaluating the quality of data or
accurately identifying the core issues in a conflict—and in a
format that more accurately emulates the real business
Interviewing for Intelligence
The most common interviewing methodology is the "past behavioral
interview" (PBI). A PBI includes questions about a person's
experiences performing certain activities—such as managing
deadlines or resolving conflicts—but does not include personal
questions. This form of interview has become the accepted best
practice over the past thirty years, and, in fact, the PBI is a
good predictor of performance. It can explain about 25 percent
of the variances in performance among employees.
Still, PBIs miss a lot of what
determines executives' success. That's because they don't
measure what they claim to. Take two sample PBI questions. "What
is the strategic direction of your company or division, and how
did you go about developing it?" is designed to assess someone's
competence at devising strategy. And "Describe a situation in
which you had to interact with a difficult colleague and resolve
a conflict" is supposed to test a person's capacity to handle
conflicts. Surprisingly, you can just as accurately predict an
executive's ability to devise strategy based on her answer to
the second question as you can based on her answer to the first.
This is not just a single example unique to these two competency
questions; the same circumstance holds true for any competency
Research by professors Jesús
F. Salgado and Silvia Moscoso of the University of Santiago de
Compostela in Spain explains why. A person's performance on any
behavioral interview question is dominated by the same three
qualities: experience, job knowledge, and social skills. A
candidate with a long work history has lots of compelling
examples to draw from when asked to recount events that might
illustrate a particular competency. A candidate's job
knowledge—specifically, his awareness of industrial and
managerial best practices—can make it easier for him to
punctuate his answers with stories that will earn him high marks
from interviewers. And a candidate who can relate his stories in
a positive, likable manner has a distinct advantage over someone
with inferior social skills. Because each question in the
behavioral interview essentially assesses the same qualities,
there's no need for the grueling three-to-four-hour sessions
favored by hiring managers today. They need only ask enough
questions to get a reliable appraisal of the candidate's work
experience, job knowledge, and social skills.
Despite their advantages,
behavioral interviews really only establish a candidate's
minimum qualifications; they don't identify star talent. A
candidate's experience, for example, is obviously an important
hiring factor, but we all know seasoned executives who aren't
stars. Similarly, being likable doesn't mean you have the
intellectual horsepower to be a stellar leader. In short,
behavioral interviews measure knowledge, not intelligence.
Knowledge is information acquired through experience or formal
training. Intelligence is the skill with which someone uses
knowledge to solve a problem. Knowledge questions require people
to recite what they have learned or experienced, while
intelligence questions call for individuals to demonstrate
their abilities.
So how do you measure
executive intelligence? The best way is to use questions that
require candidates to demonstrate their skills in an interview
format. For such a measure to assess intelligence, it must raise
questions and situations that the candidate has never
confronted. The more novel the situation, the less rote
knowledge can be applied and the more cognitive ability is
required to render an answer.
Intelligence is the skill with which someone
uses knowledge
to solve a problem. |
The interview format is a
departure for intelligence tests, which have traditionally been
presented as written, multiple-choice exams because their
developers believed that human judges could not make objective
assessments. But that's not true. The Educational Testing
Service recently changed the format of the Scholastic Assessment
Test (SAT) to include essay writing. The move was controversial,
because it introduced a human element into the judging,
presumably making scores less objective. But, in fact, research
had shown that other essay-based standardized tests, such as
some Advanced Placement exams, were in many cases better
predictors of academic success than the SAT. That's because most
university students are graded on essay exams; almost none of
their grades are derived from multiple-choice testing. It turns
out that the best way to predict how well people will write
essays in the future is to test them using an essay format
today. In other words, to most accurately predict someone's
performance, you must closely mimic the context in which the
individual will have to perform.
The same holds true in the
office. Executives exchange information through conversations,
questions are posed, and decisions are made on the fly. The most
accurate predictor of business performance would have to imitate
these dynamics, and human evaluators are far and away the best
judges of such interactions.
Rather than concentrating on
academic subjects, executive intelligence tests should focus on
the particular cognitive subjects associated with executive
work: accomplishing tasks, working with and through others, and
judging oneself. The questions shouldn't require specific
industry expertise or experience. Any knowledge they call for
must be rudimentary and common to all executives. Only then can
a hiring manager be assured that the disparities among job
candidates are because of differences in their processing power,
not in their knowledge. And the questions should not be designed
to ask whether the candidate has a particular skill; they should
be configured so that the candidate will have to demonstrate the
skill in the course of answering the question.
Imagine you want to determine
whether someone can critically examine underlying assumptions
and can anticipate likely unintended consequences. Rather than
ask the candidate to recount an occasion in which she did either
of these things, you must present a fact-based situation in
which she would need to apply such skills. An executive
intelligence evaluation designed to test these abilities might
look like this:
You are the CEO of a large
software company. Your prices are being severely undercut by
both domestic and foreign competitors. Your executive team
recognizes a desperate need to cut costs. Your COO concludes
that the answer is to outsource most of the company's
programming to foreign subcontractors, thereby reducing labor
costs. In fact, your COO has already received a number of bids
from service firms in both India and South Korea. What questions
do you have about his proposal?
A candidate displaying a high
level of executive intelligence while answering this question
would explain that the core assumption underlying the COO's
conclusion needs to be confirmed—that is, outsourcing
automatically equals cheaper production. She might point out
that there may be indirect costs (up-front investment, ongoing
customer service, and software development issues) involved with
such a move that must be considered. Further, she would cite the
probable unintended consequences of the COO's proposal, such as
how using a distant workforce might affect productivity or labor
Harvard Business Review,
Justin Menkes
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