in an ezine

Home Literacy Environment Checklist
Is your home literacy-friendly?
Brought to you by
activity is provided by the National Center for Learning
Disabilities, Inc. Get Ready to Read!, a program of the
National Center for Learning Disabilities,
Inc, aims for all preschool children to have the skills
they need to learn to read when they enter school. For
more information go to
Get Ready to Read!
Use the
literacy checklist, below, to create a literacy-friendly
home or classroom. Viewing and printing the checklists
Adobe Acrobat Reader
You are your child’s first teacher. Your home is
where your child will get his or her first experiences with
books and reading.
Look around your home and think about what you
do with your child. If the statement on the checklist is true,
place a check in the “true” column. If the statement is false,
place a check in the “false” column. When you are finished,
count up the number of checks
in the true column and find that number on the
chart at the end of the checklist. Use the results as a
guideline to see what you can do for your child.
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Home Literacy Environment Checklist