by Priscilla K. Shontz
The Librarian's Career Guidebook guides novice librarians,
prospective librarians, M.L.S.
students, and entry-level
librarians, as well as
experienced information
professionals through the
intricacies of finding, getting,
keeping, and enhancing jobs, and
Sage advice and career guidance is offered by sixty-four librarians
and other information
professionals come from
information professionals in a
variety of institutions and at
diverse points in their careers.
This practical guide addresses a
wide variety of career issues,
including why and how to become
a librarian, why and how to stay
one after burnout rears its ugly
head, how to develop practical
skills not learned in school,
ways to prepare for job
interviews and performance
reviews (whether evaluating or
being evaluated), preparation
for management and teaching,
ongoing professional
development, and exploring
related careers. The advice is
aimed at librarians in various
stages of a career and the
pragmatic information in each
article and the bibliographies
make this an excellent guidebook
for everyone in our profession,
whether we are trying to assess
where we are or figure out how
to be in a better place.
“I'm a new MLIS student, and I must say that I was really impressed
with this book as it addresses
so many questions that I had
regarding all phases of a
librarian's career, including
choosing classes and work place
dynamics. I still refer to it
often as I plan both my class
schedule and my career.”
This book is available from
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