Nursery rhymes
Bananas in pyjamas
From the ABC, this website has a collection of
interactive games, stories, music, and craft
projects related to the Bananas in Pyjamas.
Songtime is at
Children can select the musician and musical
instrument for each section of the song then at
the end, it is all played together.
Baby karaoke
This ABC site provides simple songs for singing
to young children. The songs are provided as
animations with sound, and subtitled with words
highlighted as they are sung. So they can be
used as a reading exercise as well.
Mother Goose, Nursery Rhymes, & Children's Songs
This site gives a
thorough directory of children's favourite
nursery rhymes, including advice on how to read
nursery rhymes to children, and suggested books
and resources.
Mostly crafts and colouring pages:
This early childhood
site contains simple recipes that extend
enjoyment and understanding of nursery rhymes
and songs.
Webbing Into Literacy
Downloadable reading program which emphasises the use of nursery rhymes in
the teaching of reading.
Mother Goose Rebus
Rebus Rhymes is
designed for children who are learning how to
read. Preschoolers and Kindergartners can enjoy
picking out the words they can read in their
favorite nursery rhymes. This page lists a large
number of rhymes. For each rhyme there is an
attractive page and printable colouring sheet.
K-3 Themes at Enchanted Learning |
http://www.enchantedlearning.com/themes/ |
These themes have
links to simple crafts, nursery rhymes,
book printouts, information, and/or quizzes
based on the topic. They include theme pages
about animals, language, and special events. |
Thinking Things from Snaith Primary
http://home.freeuk.net/elloughton13/index.htm |
This website from a
UK primary school with a range of very useful
resources for younger students, mainly in the
7-9 year old age range. The website has
resources for a number of topics including
Nursery Rhymes, Aztecs, Time lines, Water,
Ancient Greece, Vikings, Castles, Dominica,
Myths and Legends, Myths and Legends, Paris,
Ancient Egypt, Germany and Children's Authors. |
Computer Classroom - early Infants [review]
http://www.eddept.wa.edu.au/cmis/software/TF2001/classroom.htm |
Part of Computer
classroom series. Covers pre-reading and
pre-number skills including elements of length,
time, mass, volume and temperature as well as
alphabet and reading skills. |
Under 5s - The Web Resource for Pre-school
http://www.underfives.co.uk/ |
Under5s is the site
for everyone involved in pre-school education
and childcare; teachers, nursery nurses,
students, child minders, nannies, and of course,
parents. We believe that pre-school is the most
important stage for learning; positive
experiences provided at this time having a
lifelong influence. We also believe that
education should be fun, and actively encourage
learning through play. |
Early Childhood Thematic Units |
http://www.sbcss.k12.ca.us/sbcss/specialeducation/ecthematic/ |
Provides early
childhood thematic teaching units for special
needs children which are designed to incorporate
technology across the curriculum. |
ISLMC Poetry for Children |
http://falcon.jmu.edu/%7eramseyil/poechild.htm |
Poetry for Children
was developed by the Internet School Library
Media Center at James Madison University. It
contains many forms of poetry including nursery
rhymes and Mother Goose sites, songs, haiku,
ways to write poetry, poetry E-texts, and poetry
in the classroom. |
Early Childhood Thematic Units |
http://www.sbcss.k12.ca.us/...cialeducation/ecthematic/index.html |
This site provides
Early Childhood Thematic Units that incorporate
technology throughout the curriculum. The units
are organised around the following topics: The
zoo; At the farm; Halloween; Thanksgiving;
Winter holidays; Nursery rhymes; All about
myself; Transportation; Community helpers;
Insects; and Water Fun. |
Mother Goose Society |
http://librarysupport.net/mothergoosesociety/index.html |
An engaging site dedicated
to the rhymes of Mother Goose. Contents include a
history of the Mother Goose tradition; tips for
celebrating Mother Goose Day (May 1st); rhymes and their
corresponding recipes; fingerplays; costume and paper
finger puppet patterns and art project ideas in Prop Box
and links to other web sites and audio clips available
over the Internet. Although there is an obvious American
bias, this is a good site for planning activities and
ideas. Suitable for Teacher Reference - E... |

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