Pivotal Public Speaking
Meet-up - 19th November, 2013
How to Conquer Public Speaking Fear Using 5 Simple
More details here
colour are your feathers?
your health, pizzazz your life - 2nd November
you're keen on combining business and fitness goals then come along
to our 'Pizzazz Your Health' event at Goodlife Health Club at
Fortitude Valley for an afternoon of colour, understanding the image
you project, fitness and the secrets of some our elite athletes,
your business personality and we'll be throwing in some Brazilian
dance moves.
Contact Anne

Dawn Alice - Book Launch - 13th October 2013
Life Love Numbers Pathway to Knowing the Real
YOU is to be launched 1.30 p.m. Sunday 13th October 2013 at
Beenleigh Sports Club. Free public event with lucky door prize
of Numerology valued at $100, random and fun numerology appraisals
plus more free give-aways including crystal jewellery.
Complimentary finger food is suppled and drinks can be purchased.
Members promote their
events here.
These are circulated
in our ezine and on Social Media weekly.