Your favourite Nursery Rhymes
with some wicked Dahl twists!
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Dirty Beasts
Meet some Dahltastic Beasts!

Meet Mr and Mrs Twit, the couple
that nobody would like to know!

Danny the Champion of the World
The tale of Danny and his Father and
how they dream up a fantastic plot
against their rich and nasty

terrific tale of Fantastic Mr. Fox
and his ingenious plans to get food!

The Witches
"This is not a fairy tale.
This is about real witches."
What would you do if you came
face to face with a
real witch?

James and the Giant Peach
Follow James and his marvellous
friends on a trip of a lifetime
riding a giant peach!

Meet the biggest and greediest
crocodile on the river and his
search for food! $7.99

The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me
Just imagine a little boy, a giraffe
and a pelican coming to clean your