To Sales Success
Do you listen to your self-talk? What is your self-talk saying?
How is your self-talk serving you? If your self-talk is more
negative, and sounds like a snake's rattle, it will scare you
off from moving forward. This is poisonous thinking for people
who are in the business of selling.

Smart, Easy Ways to Find Customers
Need to find sales
prospects, but don't know where to start? Use these easy
prospecting tips for finding the right people in your
target market.

Sell More of Your Services to More, Bigger, and Better Clients
Those who make the most
money in any field, industry, or profession are not necessarily those who have
the most knowledge, are most experienced in their craft, or sell the highest
quality service.
No, those who make the most
money, charge the top fees, and are constantly in demand are those who are best
at selling and marketing themselves!
Now, with the Selling Your
Services program, you can gain the selling skills you need to be more confident
in selling ... enjoy it more ... generate a flood of leads and inquiries for
your services . stand out from your competition ... and get more and better
clients to hire you, more often, for bigger fees.
So what are you waiting
for? To examine the Selling Your Services
audio program for 90 days risk-free, just click below now:
Selling Your Services
Turning Leads into Appointments
One of the most frequent questions I get is, "How do I turn leads into
appointments... how do I connect with or follow up with prospective
clients and get a meeting with them where they are sincerely interested in exploring how I can help them?"
If you knew the answer to this, marketing would be a whole lot easier,
wouldn't it? When you're actually meeting with a prospective client,
your marketing has been successful and the sales process starts.
For some strange reason, everyone thinks of getting appointments in two ways that are polar opposites: One is having a prospect call
you because you were referred to them. The other is making a cold
call and setting up an appointment.
The truth is, the first one is rather rare and the second one is very
hard. The good news is that there's an approach in-between that you
can do much more frequently and easily with better results.
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