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 Q. .If all the stress remedies out there
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Find out more about the books hereā€¦ 

(in)action - overcome procrastination im03.  

The Passion Test

The Passion Test is a simple, yet powerful way for anyone to discover what matters most to them in their life. When you consistently choose in favour of those things, your passions, you will find yourself filled with a sense of purpose.   


Make Meetings work for you

This eBook gives you the secrets of organising your meetings so that they are more efficient and more effective.

Save time and money - yours and the company's.

You can be part of meetings that run well. 

  • Learn how to use those meetings to work for your own outcomes, to be a team player and to establish your image.

  • Discover the basics of parliamentary procedure that you can use to make meetings work for you, whether you are chairing the meeting or participating.

  • Learn effective presentation techniques so that you can communicate your message and your image effectively.

Click here to get the eBook


 The Clutter-Busting Handbook:
 Clean It Up, Clear It Out, and Keep Your Life Clutter-Free  Get it here


The Self-Esteem Book

This is your chance to boost what is one of the most important ingredients for our success and happiness

and yet one that we often ignore or put to one side.  The book gives you three very well structured parts that together form a road map to improve the quality of your life by enhancing your self-esteem. 

You can benefit from The Self Esteem System


The 7 Minute Muscle Training System e-Book!

The Bible of Brevity Training! This revolutionary work took over three years of effort, testing, and refining to deliver you the ultimate way to train for muscle in minutes. It covers everything - how to think, how to train and what few supplements really work! All the science you will ever want put into a fun, readable format! I include all three Levels of 7 Minute Muscle training for beginners, intermediate and advanced trainees, and even an "ultra-beginner" workout!

"Who Else Wants To Know
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This practical and easy-to-read e-book will show you how to overcome the daily challenges you encounter whilst trying to achieve more in your day.





Do you know exactly what you want in life? Your purpose and passion? The specific set of goals, dreams, and ambitions perfectly suited to your unique needs and wants? In this brand new course, you'll be guided through the entire process of tapping into - and decoding - your personal path to lasting happiness and ultimate success. 39 Sections, 224 Full-Sized Pages. For more information, visit: http://www.pivotalmagazine.com/pm_lifesgreatest.htm

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