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In the same sense...
 * When you focus on the negative aspects of other people, they tend to bother you more often.
 * When you focus on the negative aspects of your business/work, you tend to feel more   
   uptight, annoyed or stressed.

It is not that people, work or life bothers us.  Rather, it is the negative aspects of people, work or life that we focus on that tend to bother us.
Becoming resilient to pressure is a choice.
How fast you bounce back from stress, pressure and burnout is a choice.

   > Question: So, how do you choose to be resilient?
   > Answer: By practicing gratitude


Staying Well with Guided Imagery



How to Harness the Power of Your Imagination for Health and healing


by Belleruth Naparstek





From the reviews ...

Well-known guided imagery authority and psychotherapist, Naparstek provides a clear guide for using one's imagination for self-healing and health maintenance. She outlines a wide variety of imagery exercises and suggests these not only for general health but also for emotional resiliency and for dealing with common complaints. She provides the reader with ideas for developing specific imagery for individual needs, based on her experiential finding that our bodies do not distinguish between mental images and reality.

Information and background are shared in straight forward, easy to read terms.

“This book is excellent for beginning to understand how the mind can control our physiological responses and affect our ability to heal. Ms. Naperstek's imagery exercises are deceivingly simple yet effective.”

This book is available from Amazon where it is selling for only $11.16, a reduction of 20% from the list price of $13.95


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Breathe for Weight Loss


What most dieters don’t know, however, is that they carry a powerful weight loss tool with them at all times: Breathing. Proper breathing is the one exercise that helps your body do what is necessary to lose weight.



Ten Tips to stop tiredness and fatigue

When we are tired we can become ill, as we can't be bothered to look after ourselves. When we are tired we can get down and become bad tempered and irritable. Tiredness can also kill. Car accidents, workplace accidents, mishaps at home and so on, can all be caused by tiredness. So here are ten tips to help you stop tiredness and fatigue and to build your energy and stamina.