7 Secrets For Raising
Responsible Teenagers
There are many ways to raise
a child, and every child is
different. Therefore, there
is no magic formula for
raising good teens.
Excellent parents can still
have problem children, and
good children come out of
bad homes. But by staying
closely involved in your
children’s lives, even when
they don’t appear to need
you as much anymore, you’ll
be teaching them the lessons
they need to learn to be the
successful and happy adults
you’d like them to be. Here
are some pointers for
keeping teens on the right
It's not fair: Brains may
compel teens to tantrum
Teenage tantrums are the
stuff of every parent’s
nightmares. Now we may closer to
explaining why some adolescents
fly off the handle more than
others. Brain scans show
differences in the brain
structures that control emotions
in adolescents who flare up at
the slightest provocation, and
those who are more
Good parenting - How to raise teenagers
Being a parent and
learning to raise teenagers could be a real
challenge for you and your kids. Teenagers are
generally stubborn since this is the age where they
are beginning to seek independence and developing
their own identity. As a parent you need skills and
knowledge on how to deal with teens to successfully
create a good relationship with your teenage kids.
Here are some tips:
Adolescence: A Time Of Transition
Fourteen year old
Johnny is driving his parents up a wall. A few
years ago he was a pleasant, cooperative child
but now he's restless, obstinate, defiant and
more interested in spending time with his
buddies than his family.
There are three factors that can help us to
understand the erratic, fickle, rebellious,
sometimes maddening, frustrating and
exasperating behavior of the adolescent.
Teenage obesity is a
dangerous — and growing — problem. But what
can you do about it? Plenty. Turn your
concern about your teenager's weight into
action.There's no
magic bullet for teen weight loss. The key
to success is adopting healthy habits that
can last a lifetime.
Truth in
A friend of mine, a successful professional,
posed this parenting dilemma: Suppose your teenager asks you if
you ever smoked pot. Do you tell him the truth? What
if you smoked not just once, or a couple of times, but a fair
amount? A whole lot? What if you tried cocaine?
Things are more dangerous now than they were
back then, my friend continued. The pot is stronger. It’s
laced with all sorts of other drugs. You don’t want your child
to think that if you did it, then it’s ok for them to do the
same. You don’t want to take chances. You have to
I’ve thought this over, and I have to
disagree. I’m mostly talking from my own personal experience.
Adolescents are
notorious for staying up late at night and being hard to rouse
in the morning. Your teens are probably no exception. But it's
not necessarily because they're lazy or contrary. This behavior
pattern actually has a real physical cause. And there are ways
to help mesh your adolescent's sleep schedule with that of the
rest of the world.
Creative Goal Setting for kids and teens
An Indian guide who displayed
uncanny skills in navigating the rugged regions of the Southwest was
asked how he did it. "What is your secret of being an expert tracker and
trail-blazer?" a visitor asked him.
The guide answered: "There is no secret. One
must only possess the far vision and the near look. The first step is to
determine where you want to go. Then you must be sure that each step you
take is a step in that direction."
A dream is what you would like for life to be. A
Goal is what you intend to make happen. A goal is the near look; what,
specifically, you intend to do on a daily basis to get there.
Strengthen your
Relationship With Your Teen
In today’s high-tech, fast-paced
world, young people are faced with more opportunities—and more
decisions—than ever before. As they race around trying
to meet the demands of school, family, and their ever-expanding
social circles, they sometimes lose sight of what they want most
out of life.
Help lead a
young person toward achievement and fulfillment by guiding him
or her through this goal-setting process specifically designed
for teens and preteens.
>>> more
Dr. Michael J. Bradley
Official Website and
Parent -— Teen Resource
This site is devoted to helping parents and teens get
through the crazy teen years in a world that's growing more difficult by
the day. My hope is that this site will become a valuable resource to
help parents and teens make the most of these years while keeping their
loving relationships intact.