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Public Speaking - Creative Visuals the Old-School Way
Before speakers used PowerPoint, there were overhead projectors, flip charts, handouts and white boards. Before that, there were slide projectors and movie projectors. Sometimes people used props.

Before that, there were chalkboards and before that, well, there were just speakers! And believe it or not, speakers were plenty effective, even without visuals.

There’s no doubt that visuals provide additional benefits to a presentation. According to “Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach” by Steven A. Beebe and Susan J. Beebe, presentation aids
“enhance understanding,” “enhance memory,” “help listeners organize ideas,” “help gain and maintain attention,” and “help illustrate a sequence of events or procedures.”

Read on for tips on effective and creative visual aids the low-tech, old-fashioned way.


"Confident, effective speeches and presentations"

- the eBook Series

-- Imagine yourself, walking confidently to the lectern or the stage, or to the head of the conference table.

--Imagine presenting the material

that will make the audience nod, smile, respond.

- Imagine knowing that they have absorbed your message, that they are impressed with you.

--Imagine the confidence you can generate by being able to present, successfully, with style.

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Creating Visual Aids That Really Work

Designing Effective Slides Using PowerPoint

Used wisely, PowerPoint® and similar programs can be an effective tool to help audiences remember your message, while allowing you to prove, reinforce, and support your claims.

Used unwisely, PowerPoint becomes a distraction that upstages the presenter and buries the message. With its tumbling, whooshing, flying, singing and screeching graphics, PowerPoint can take on a life of its own.

All these bells and whistles can disconnect the slides from the presenter and destroy the reason for using them in the first place--to provide an audience with at-a-glance comprehension to support the presentation.


To be a person is to have a story to tell.

-Isak Dinesen




11 Tips for Using Flip Charts More Effectively


While everyone seems to be interested in creating high-tech computer generated presentations, the flip chart still continues to be the most effective presentation media of all. One should not assume that investing a lot of money in high tech visual aids & equipment will "make" your presentation. The best visuals have been and still are the simplest. Remember, the purpose of using visual aids is to enhance your presentation, not upstage it.

Since most presentations are delivered before small groups of 35 people or less, the flip chart is the perfect size. I feel the flip chart will continue to be the workhorse of most training seminars.

There are several advantages of using a flip chart. Here are just a few:







How to Write

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a Great Speech

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Using humor images and cartoons in presentations

Have you talked in front of many people? Have you wondered what to do in order to get your ideas across?

Any public speaker who has faced a crowd of listeners knows that humor has a great effect and brings out a point like nothing else. I have talked to many presenters and all of them say they have a number of jokes up their sleeve, as well as visual gags -- CARTOONS.



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Even the best messages can be ruined by a bad presentation. To get your information across effectively and to generate the right response from your audience, you need to know how to use audiovisual technology to your advantage.

Interested in how to improve your presentation? Read on for some audiovisual presentation dos and don’ts.




Public Speaking no-no's - Count the errors