212 degree service
Someone once said, "Life is like a game of tennis. The player who serves well seldom loses." The same can be said for any business on the planet. There are many books written about service, however, this one keeps it simple. 212º Service presents 10 simple, but engaging rules of service that can be read by every member of your team in less than 30 minutes.
This book is written specifically for businesses and is all about creating a service culture. In case you are not familiar with the 212º concept, here it is in a nutshell:
At 211º water is hot. At 212º, it boils. And with boiling water, comes steam. And steam can power a locomotive. The one extra degree makes the difference. This simple analogy reflects the ultimate definition of excellence. Because it's the one extra degree of effort, in business and life, that can separate the good from the great.
This book is written with real life examples that will have your team coming up with ideas that apply specifically to your industry.
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