BBC French
 Interactive site with fun learning activities.

 BBC Education - Talk French
 Listening activities using Real Audio. Also provides transcripts or text
 for reading what has been said.

 Fun French
 This site is intended to help English speaking children learn some basic

 Chez Mimi> Interactive site with music.

 Les Chiffres
 Play this game to hear, learn and recognize numbers 0 to 20 in French!

 French Interactive
 Includes video presentations for beginners, a guide to French grammar, and
 exercises to do.

 English-French Picture Dictionary
 1,428 illustrated dictionary entries.

 The French Experience
 Online course with interactive activities and lessons.

 John McCafferty\'s French Study pages
 Learn French in everyday life, discover verbs in French and listen to
 French interviews in RealPlayer format.

 Let\'s Explore France!
 Welcome to France, a nation rich in art, fashion, culture, history,
 architecture, and style.

 Zip Zap France
 Virtual tour of France.
 An Overview of France

 Club Mimi
 Features a word of the week and a French fact of the week. Includes simple
 quizzes and with the material to be tested presented before the quiz.

 Quick Fix French
 Essential holiday phrases.


 First Steps: French
 Online course for beginners. Learn practical spoken French with the help
 of French teacher Hakim M\'Barek in just 24 manageable steps.

 Greetings and courtesies, numbers, days, months and seasons, question
 words, quantities, weather and time, asking for help, emergencies, banks,
 taxis, restaurants, transportation and some famous French expressions.

 French lessons covering topics such as the alphabet, time, and basic
 phrases. Also features forums and downloads.

 French Activities with M. Renaud
 French activities for young learners. Includes links, online activities,
 printouts, games, and songs.

 List of French language tutorials.

 The French Tutorial
 The French Tutorial is a web-based step by step lesson covering basics,
 pronunciation, but also grammar, vocabulary and everyday French with audio

 Fast and Friendly French for Fun
 Online resource for beginning French students or those interested in
 learning French.

 French Language Course
 This French course is intended to allow you to understand written French
 and to write a letter to a French friend or correspondent.

 Interactive French Activities
 Speaking, reading, writing and comprehension activities.

 Teacher Reference

 BBC French: Teachers Guide
 Includes site overview, curriculum relevance, lesson plans, printable
 worksheets and online activities.

 Really Useful French Teaching Site
 French languages teaching site from Habergham High School.

 Apprenez le français avec Internet
 Compilation of dictionaries, grammar and online lessons.

 Super French Links
 Links to lessons, quizzes and culture sites.

 Language Guide: French
 Extensive site with many tutorials and an assisted reading section for
 more advanced learners.

 French Grammar Central
 Grammar guidance, with thousands of verb conjugations, research and
 hundreds of activities for advanced speakers.

 French Language Learning Tools
 Links to free French language learning tools.