Personal identity


 My Self
Students will explore ways people are alike and unique and express what
makes them alike and different from others.

 Kindergarten Self-Portraits
 Lesson that teaches students how to create self-portraits using mirrors.

 All About Me - Class Biography
 Students design a slide about themselves for a multimedia presentation.

 All About Me Quilt
 This activity, using KidPix as a learning and thinking tool, asks students
to create a digital quilt depicting aspects of culture, location, gender,
ability and family identity.

 Me, My Family and Friends
 Early childhood education ideas, activities and lesson plans that promote young children\'s self-esteem and self-identity.

 Heavenly Hands
 Children will use their hands to create images.

 I Am Special
 Student will compare characteristics of themselves by using descriptive
language, making a class graph according to observable properties of

 Students make and use paper plate faces depicting different feelings.

 Body Tracing
 Students pair up and trace body outlines on roll paper with marker.

 My Family
 Students map family members to visualize and represent shapes and develop
spatial sense.

 Family Pictures
 The students make a picture diagram of his or her family.

 This lesson students learn that each and every one of them is unique and a special member of their family.

 Unit Plan for Family,1607,7-155-10710_10733_10735-39152--,00.html In this unit,  children engage in a study of real and fictional families
depicted in children's literature and other texts. Through reading, writing,
listening, speaking, and viewing, they analyze and compare a wide variety of
types of families.



Kindergarten Favourite Things
 Picture of Kindergarten class and list of each child\'s favourite things.

All about me

This unit allows students to identify which group they belong to and the group’s needs.  It integrates ICT into the classroom lessons by using the Internet, spreadsheets, electronic publishing tools, digital camera and email.  Students follow up discussions on families, relationships, rules, pets and family trees by making family trees, using spreadsheets and graphs to record and display information, using digital cameras to photograph each other and making posters using desktop publishing tools.  There is an art component involving sketching using pencil and links to student workl  The advice on using Excel is simply written but assumes some familiarity with the software.

Suitable for Lower Primary