Response Writing


 How to Write Book Reviews Links
 Links to sites related to writing book reviews collected by Rosemary K
Horton, Teacher Librarian, Trinity College, Western Australia.

 Keeping a Reading Journal
 Ideas for responding to literature.

 Writing Book Reviews
 Suggestions to for helping to make sure a book review is an effective
piece of writing, not just another summary.

 How To Write Book Reports
 This article outlines a format and tips for writing effective book

 The Book Report
 This article suggests the difference between a book report and review. A
book report is factual whereas a book review, is more of a personal

 Book Report Now
 Outlines 5 steps to effective book report writing.

 Reading Response Literature Log
 Sample sentence starters and tips for writing a response log.

 Reader\'s-Writer\'s Log Instructions
 Instructions on how to write a literature log.

 How To Write a Response Essay
 Fill in the missing words to test your understanding of response writing.

 How to Keep a Reading Log
 A reading log is a great place to react to what you read. You can find out
exactly how you feel about the characters and gain insight about the theme
and plot. This article provides tips for log writing.

 Premier's Reading Challenge
 Your Challenge in the Year 3-4 Premier's Reading Challenge, should you
choose to accept it, is to read 20 books in one year, from 1 September 2003
to August 2004. Participating students win a certificate. Each state has its
own contest.


 Reader's Response Assignment
 Using the accompanying response as a model, students write their own
reflective response to a chapter of a book.

 Peer Review: Narrative
 Students focus on maintaining a positive attitude toward the critiquing
process and as peer reviewers, explore more concrete and specific ways to
provide feedback on peer texts.

 Book Reviews, Annotation, and Web Technology
 Students write a group book review, taking notes in their journals
throughout the reading and discussion process, write short research papers
as annotations for their reviews, and post them to the Web.

 A Journal for Corduroy: Responding to Literature k-2
 This lesson provides a model of reflection for students as they listen to
stories, begin to read stories, and develop their own written stories.

 Book Report Alternative
 Students create a business card with text and symbols representing their
response to a literary text.

 Did You Say Spiders? 3-4
 This lesson supports students' natural curiosity about spiders and builds
upon their prior knowledge. Students work cooperatively using response
journals and online resources.