You've made the decision to learn how to own the power of your story, your skills and experience and combine it with the power of storytelling.
Be heard. Be respected. Build impact!
If you want to sell with authority If you want to speak with authority to Inspire | Lead
If you want to be the one chosen for the job,
the one chosen to deliver the service, to supply the product or the teaching,
to be the one chosen for the position
Learn how to build
a deeper understanding of,
and faith in,
your undoubted authority,
Learn how to choose the
most appropriate and effective stories,
even if you think
you have none worth telling
Learn how to weave them
so subtly into a presentation
that you aren't seen
as promoting yourself
Learn how to present the stories
in ways that support
the authority
you seek to convey.
Authority storytelling is a very specific skill,
one of a myriad of ways to engage an audience and build their trust
but when you learn how it works
you also gain two essential processes any communicator, any presenter needs, to be truly effective.
how to find your best stories,
and how to weave them into your communications,
subtly and powerfully.
You will be able to use these techniques and processes in so many other situations in your private life, in your income-producing activities and into your speaking.
They are powerful and personal, and essential to you becoming confident, building trust and creating influence and impact.
There are five modules in this short course
Build the Authority & Story Power perspectives. Gather Authority Lists
Going deeper for the stories that reinforce your authority
Gathering the stories to weave in vulnerability
Gathering the stories to weave in your message
Activate the weaving + Activate your voice
You will be able to access the first on 22nd July.
We'll take a break of 3 days between modules for you to complete the homework, allow the creativity and story understanding to percolate and grow, and then to discuss, ask for help and share achievements in a Facebook group.
I do recommend you keep to the schedule, but know also that life interferes at times, or that some of these concepts are very deep and may take some time to assimilate into your thinking and perspectives.
Their value is worth it!! I will continue to visit the Facebook group for 3 weeks after the final module to answer questions and support!!
Sign up now.