Fishing for Stars has, at its heart, two passionate, unforgettable – but very different – women. One is exotic, damaged, and shrewd; the other beautiful, determined and zealous. Both are bitter rivals for the love of the same man.
The story is set in Australia, the Pacific Islands, Japan and Indonesia during the latter half of the twentieth century. Nick Duncan is an ingenuous male with a great deal more female on his hands than he can possibly hope to understand.
It is a story of ambition, destruction, love, tears and laughter, with a soupçon of hope thrown in.

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Colin Firth talks about his upcoming film 'The King's Speech', a drama about King George VI and his relationship with his Australian speech therapist.

More about the book here =>

danny_dunnThe Story of Danny Dunn
by Bryce Courtenay

Set against a backdrop of Australian pubs and politics, The Story of Danny Dunn is an Australian family saga spanning three generations. It is a compelling tale of love, ambition and the destructive power of obsession, at a time of great change in Australia's history.

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