I've recently returned from a 3 day seminar, full of renewed enthusiasm and information that, when actioned, will make a dramatic difference to all aspects of my business and my personal life.

There were also many other people there, who like myself attend seminars and conferences to gain more knowledge so they too can improve their lives.

However, it's not the knowledge that makes the difference, it's the application of that knowledge.

Are you one of those people who regularly attends events to learn more, get all hyped up and excited on the actual day, write a book full of notes and proclaim to everyone in earshot that 'this is it! I have found the magic pill that will transform my work and my life'.

What do you do after that? Do you return home still excited, promising yourself that you will implement what you've learned? Do you stay excited for another couple of days, 'get busy' and then do nothing? Or do you return home, excited, plan when you'll take action and actually do it?

Here are some useful tips you can use so that you do something with the knowledge. Because if you do nothing with what you learn, the time, money and energy that you have invested to attend have been a total waste.

Work should be just one part of your life.

“How can an achievement-motivated workaholic learn to back off, relax, de-stress, and feel good about doing it? ”

Leo has written an excellent post in which he looks at answers in several parts

1. Being achievement-motivated.
2. Being a workaholic.
3. Learning to relax and de-stress.
4. Learning to feel good about it.

Read his post How to Stop Being a Workaholic

Quote for October from Rita Emmet

A clean house is the sign of a broken computer.

messy-deskYou’re winding down your week, and this weekend you won’t be cramming in work during every free block of time that pops up. You’re taking the weekend off. Good for you! But how do you put your work aside and forget about it…oh, and wouldn’t it be nice to avoid the Sunday evening dread about what you will be facing in the morning?

As simple as it sounds, clearing off your desk before you shut down for the week can do wonders for your enjoyment of your work-free weekend. And it can generate feelings of preparedness for Monday. Take it one step further and adopt a more organized and consistent approach to your working environment, and you may find that you are happier, less stressed, and even more productive.

So, why does a clean and organized desk help deal with overwhelm? The answer is as simple as the concept: >>>

Organize Bedroom mess and confusion and make it an enjoyable place to be! Organizing the bedroom can be difficult to achieve because it is probably one of the most lived in rooms, especially by children. Finding solutions to help keep kids rooms and your own room clean are important but they must be solutions that are easy for that person to follow. Here are the A – Z of ideas to get you started….