
We all want our PowerPoint slides to be the best they can be, not detracting from an excellent presentation. And yet not all public speakers are trained in design.

Here is the answer.

It isn't a public speaking book.

It isn't a PowerPoint book.

It presents the principles of design.

There is little surprise then, that it is beautifully designed.

It pairs clear explanations of every design concept with visual examples of the concepts applied in practice. The left side is dedicated to theory, the right to visual examples of how this theory can be used.

From the "80/20" rule to chunking, from baby-face bias to Occam's razor, and from self-similarity to storytelling, every major design concept is defined and illustrated.

Every theory is pared down to these two concise pages.

And within the theory page are two more elements - some incredibly useful references to other resources for further exploration and reading and to other theories as well - research on motivators and perception, psychology and biology, and so many more.

As a reader, we are being encouraged to make connections - to other ideas about the principle and to other principles that intercept with it.

And making connections is certainly necessary - it is a great mindset by which to use the book, to apply the principles to one's own discipline - in our case, public speaking and PowerPoint.

The connections are not made within the book, and several reviewers have complained about that, and the lack of full information about each principle. I like making connections, exploring further, and the discipline of making creative use of rules. It is a stimulation of creativity that is necessary among the rather linear thinking involved in creating a storyboard, and a logical development of ideas.

And the concise treatment of the material makes the book an easy reference to use, and book that can be picked and read in small chunks.

About the Author

William Lidwell writes, speaks, and consults on topics of design and engineering. He is the Director of Design at Stuff Creators Design in Houston, Texas. He is author of the best-selling design book, Universal Principles of Design, which has been translated into 12+ languages; Deconstructing Product Design, a social deconstruction of 100 classic products; and lecturer of two video series on design: "How Colors Affect You: What Science Reveals" available from The Great Courses, and "The Science of Logo Design" available from Lynda.com.
He lives in Houston, TX.

You can buy the book from Amazon , The Book Depository , Fishpond.com.au

One of imagination's
most precious possessions.

                                                       ---Ambrose Bierce


"We've all committed the 11 deadly presentation sins on the way up in our careers. This insightful book will help make sure that your way up doesn't become the way down!"
- Dr. Nick Morgan, author of Give Your Speech, Change the World

11 Deadly Presentation Sins is the perfect book for public speakers, business presenters, PowerPoint users and anyone who has to get up and talk in front of an audience. 

Few skills are more important in business or in life than the ability to present your ideas in clear and compelling terms. A solid presentation can help you:

* Close a sale with a customer
* Earn a raise
* Get a job
* Boost your reputation in the marketplace
* And much more ... 

Escape From PowerPoint Hell ...

More Than 100 Practical Tips ...

Did We Mention Fun? 

My review

Want to avoid killing your audiences with boredom? Are you killing your career, your business, your chances of winning that pitch with murderous presentations? Sin no more. Resurrect your speaking success with Rob Biesenbach's new book.

Rob brings skills as an actor, a speaker and a PR pro to this book; and not just skills but the entertaining, engaging communication style that made him a success there.

If you want to build your own success as a speaker, use this book. I don't like books that tell you what NOT to do, and I feared that "deadly presentation sins" might do just that. I was mistaken, and happily so. The book is incredibly positive and encouraging. Rob provides the theory and the fundamentals of presentation success from energy to engagement, from storytelling to structure, from focus to visuals and much, much more.

I enjoyed his conversational style, his humour and his turn of phrase. Especially I enjoyed his humility. These all add up to an encouraging, easy read. He uses examples from other experts. He also uses copious examples from his own experience, so I felt that this was guidance from an expert. More importantly, though, these examples give Rob's readers a multitude of practical ways to implement the strategies he has listed. This is what takes the book beyond being just another basic read about presentation skills.

Implement the guidance here and yes you will stand out - confident, comfortable and more engaging.
This is indeed the path to redemption!

You can get all the details (and where to buy the book) here on my website ... http://bit.ly/1c6rP0Y


Each of us is born with a unique set of talents and gifts.

Whether you paint, write, sculpt, dance, compose, sing or play music... whether you're an entrepreneur or an aspiring leader in your field... or looking to be more fulfilled in your chosen profession...

When you get your creative juices flowing you feel more alive. When you express yourself in some creative fashion, you feel more joyous, fulfilled and free. We are all born to create and be creative.

With that said, here are some wonderful ways to help you get those juices flowing...

Connect to the place of wonder and awe within - Play with crayons and let your inner child out. Watch the sunset. Find the awesomeness and wonderfulness in life. Creative inspiration will follow.

Let go of any "conscious" agendas - Getting out of your own way can spark the creative impulse. Be guided by your intuition or "Higher Self" and allow the creative spirit to move through you.

De-Clutter - While "creative types" may have a knack for messiness, clutter can block the flow of your creative juices. Do a spring cleaning regardless of the month of the year!

Get out in nature - Nothing like majestic mountains, towering evergreens or an expansive ocean to stir the heart and inspire a creative burst. Take a walk, a hike, a jog, a bike ride or a drive through nature and your creativity will blossom.

Listen to great music - Music adds colour and dimension to life. Play one of the great classical pieces or any other music that inspires you and unleash your creative genius!

Follow your bliss - Passion is the essence of creativity. It's what gets you up in the morning and keeps you going all day long. Focus on what you're passionate about and ignite your creative fires.

Dance as if no one's watching - Dancing is a great way to move energy. If you're feeling stuck or in a rut, get your groove on! Pretend no one's watching... even that part inside you that may think the whole idea is just plain stupid. Rekindle the fun.

Watch an inspirational movie - Inspirational movies connect you with your heart wherein creativity is given birth. Make some popcorn and rent a good movie this weekend!

Break for beauty - Find beauty in your surroundings... in the opening of a flower, the setting of the sun or a star-filled sky. Take beauty breaks throughout the day and reconnect with what inspires you.


Unplug - Turn off the cell phone and television. Leave your inbox alone. Decompress from the constant bombardment of our hi-tech world. Find your creative centre and live from that place.

Bonus Idea - Meditate. Take some time each day to meditate. You can sit in mindful silence... focus on a "mantra" or phrase... or even do a walking meditation. However you choose, meditation can help you stay connected to the inner source of your creativity and vitality.

Bonus Idea - Gratitude. Overwhelm and stress are creativity-killers. Sometimes just thinking about all the things you are grateful for in life can lift the fog and weight of your concerns. You'll feel more free to be the creative, magnificent person you are meant to be..

Life can be a creative adventure... even when the path is rocky or the road ahead is unclear. Use these suggestions to help unlock and ignite your creative genius. As a wise person once said, the journey is the destination.
Here's to making it a creative journey!

Lawrence Neal Katzman is an artist, writer and visionary spirit, whose art is inspired by love, beauty and the cosmos. He paints and writes about lost civilizations, ancient wisdom and the quest for love. You can view his art at http://www.theartmystic.com.
Lawrence's beautiful soulmates art is featured in his eBook, "101 Soulmates Quotes", which you can download for free by visiting: http://www.101soulmatesquotes.com/.

"...conflict is the primary engine of creativity and innovation. People don't learn by staring into a mirror; people learn by encountering difference."

-- Ronald Heifetz

Hypnosis Can Spawn Unlimited Creativity

by Steve G. Jones

Hypnosis has the ability to withdraw that which is deep within the mind but often pushed aside by thoughts needing more immediate attention. Such is often the case for those latently creative individuals that know that deep within them is the next great American Novel or musical masterpiece. Through hypnosis creative connections are made and the motivation to put the thoughts into tangible creations is possible. Whether the need to be more creative with writing, art, music, or every day problem solving is the goal, hypnosis can help.

Even for those people who are not obviously creative but wish to become more so, hypnosis is an effective way to develop more creativity. That is because hypnosis works to relax an individual to the point that ideas and images can be suggested and put to use. For example, after a few weeks of creative training hypnosis, the listener can actually begin to think in more creative terms. This works because the signals and messages that spark creative thinking are already within the person. It is just a matter of relaxing the mind to the point that they are unleashed. Then as an added tool toward success, hypnosis teaches the listener to visualize their end goal of coming up with new ideas and putting them into action.

Creativity is not limited to the fine arts. There are times when an imaginative and creative solution to an everyday problem is called for. Hypnosis can accomplish this type of creative thinking by removing stress factors that inhibit rational and unique solutions to problems or challenges. It also works to remove the negative thoughts creative hopefuls may have about their abilities.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones guides the listener of Unlimited Creativity through a serious of relaxation steps that are completed when the listener can lie down and focus on nothing else, usually just before going to sleep at night. When this relaxed state is reached, the tools to creative thinking are introduced and ready to be implemented.

Visit the Unlimited Creativity Hypnosis product page for more information.

A Whack on the Side of the Head

by Roger von Oech

Over the years, A WHACK ON THE SIDE OF THE HEAD has been praised by business people, educators, scientists, homemakers, artists, youth leaders, and many more. The book has been stimulating creativity in millions of readers, translated into eleven languages, and used in seminars around the world. 

There are so many ways to get your company or group thinking in an innovative and creative way. There are synergies which can be garnered from groups, even if no one in the group is actually a creative genius. Of course, if you round up quite a few intellectuals, and creative folks, and put them in the same room working together it's amazing what you can come up with and sometimes it only takes a few people to really make a major breakthrough in industry.

Now then, let me give you a few tips and tactics right off the top of my head which will help your organization harness the power of this next generation, and get them working in a synergistic fashion to propel innovation. Below are of some of the things you should be considering;

1. Mix and Match Thinking Styles:

The other day, I was discussing a new design for a fairly cool little gizmo which has endless applications with an engineer and semi-scientist. He indicated that our minds worked differently. We did come up with at least one decent modification to his design which would allow for more versatility for various scalable applications. That's a good thing.

2. Don't Underestimate Your Brain Power:

Just because you think that you are not so good at math, design, sketching, art, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, intense study, marketing, writing, or pitching your new concept doesn't mean you have adequately sized up your abilities. Sometimes when you are quite focused you can do all sorts of things and find talents you never thought you had.

3. When Brain Storming There Are No Bad Ideas:

Oh sure, there are bad idea, disastrous ones in fact, but you have to set that aside when brain storming. Just as you need to suspend your belief system when watching a Sci Fi movie for instance. Let your mind go, let the minds of your team go, and don't correct or nix anyone's idea, or be afraid of your own during brain storming. Let it go, and go for it. There will be plenty of time later to evaluate and discard silly ideas, and even all have a laugh about them - together.

4. Make a To Do List to Research:

No one is an expert in everything, except for you of course. It is okay to realize this and make lists of things you need to check; facts and figures. After you're done brainstorming, or before you take anyone's word as gospel, it makes sense to check your facts. Even brilliant people can sometimes be a little off on their facts and figures, and that doesn't mean they're stupid, or they don't know what they're talking about, it's just that sometimes even brilliant people make small mistakes.

5. Don't Be Too Hard on This Next Generation:

This new generation has been taught using a different perspective and teaching method. Much of what they have done comes from group think. Therefore, they are very good at it. Often entrepreneurs, and successful individuals are not into group think, and many of them are creative geniuses, and can't stand it. That doesn't mean it won't work, or that these up-and-coming innovators can't help your organization with creativity and design. They can, and they often do.

It is my hope that you will please consider these five points, and think on it. Consider it from a philosophical perspective, and work these ideas into what you are currently doing. You may find yourself in the midst of something incredible which could revolutionize your industry, or change the forward progression of mankind.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 24,444 articles by September 4th at 4:44 PM will be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..

Most people think brainstorming sessions are all about ideas -- much in the same way Wall Street bankers think life is all about money.

While ideas are certainly a big part of brainstorming, they are only a part.

People who rush into a brainstorming session starving for new ideas will miss the boat (and the train, car, and unicycle) completely unless they tune into the some other important dynamics that are also at play: => http://bit.ly/qm7DAg

From the public speaking ezine this week - you can access it here => http://bit.ly/cQBbVn until 9th June.