Kitty Boitnott, a media specialist at Chamberlayne Elementary School in Henrico County, VA, has spent the last year as president of the 60,000-member Virginia Education Association (VEA), the largest and oldest professional organization serving public schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
How is Virginia making sure students learn about 21st-century skills?
My most recent job was in Henrico County, VA, where in 2001, Henrico County Public Schools had just entered into the largest laptop initiative in the country with Apple. Every child in high school received his or her own iBook that he/she was allowed to keep 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the school year. At the middle school level, students starting receiving their own laptops in the middle of their sixth-grade year. And for the first several years of the initiative, every classroom and every library in every school got at least five iMac desktop computers. more » » »

 Advice about leading successful ed-tech initiatives ...

"RSS for Educators: Blogs, Newsfeeds, Podcasts, and Wikis in the Classroom" by John Hendron explains how educators working with grades PreK-12 can use a news aggregator to harness the power of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) for a variety of purposes including classroom projects, professional development, and keeping students and parents informed.
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