Retreat or withdrawal brings the idea of weakness and defeat to mind. On the surface, it looks as if you are running away because you cannot handle a situation. But at times, you may have to make a planned retreat when faced with overwhelming odds to stage a comeback. A well-planned retreat is a prudent move with benefits that can help you on a personal and a professional level. Read on to find out what the benefits are.

"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.

“In a poor economy, companies should take care of the people who survive layoffs and end up staying in stressful jobs,” says epidemiologist Diana Fernandez. “It is important to focus on strengthening wellness programs to provide good nutrition, ways to deal with job demands, and more opportunities for physical activity that are built into the regular workday without penalty.”

... Read more

Too much stress can really affect all the aspects in us. Physically, when we get too much worked up in the office, we can feel like we have been electrified by a mini stun gun. Almost all parts of the body feel so tired and painful. Emotionally, we become really preoccupied with things that we want to cry and we become easily irritated. Our mental capacities are affected too because when we don't know how to manage stress, we have difficulty in making decisions.

These are just general and few of the things that can happen to us when we become exhausted. Stress is normally part of life. It is inevitable. The best thing that you can do is that you must know how to manage the pressure well. Stress management is important in order for you to handle and control situations. You must come up with different strategies that will help you resolve your exhaustion may it be at home, in the office or anywhere.

One very good strategy is to have a break and perform deep breathing exercises. This will give you ample time to think and relax. Through deep breathing exercises you can release the emotions that you feel inside. While doing this, tell yourself a million times that you can do it. When you have time, you can join yoga classes and other relaxing activities. Give yourself motivation and positive attitude so that you can do your work fine.

Aside from doing exercises, you organize your things in your working area. There are times when we become irritated immediately due to the pressure from deadlines. We become even more irritated when our table is very messy and we don't know where to find what we are looking for. How can you manage yourself if you can't manage your things? You must have certain boxes or containers for your files so that you can have access to them easily. Just like a TASER holster, it is widely used to keep the weapon in place just where you want it to be.

Moreover, you must reward yourself with a day off from work. You can choose from a wide variety of recreational activities that you can venture. If you want to play a sport then go for it. If you need to relax in massage centers or saunas then pamper yourself so that you will be energized. Watch a movie or hang out with family and friends. Give your body a break and let it loose for a little while. Do not hesitate to try new things

These are basic strategies which are very effective which you can use when you get all worked up and exhausted. Your body is not a super machine which can handle days of work. Even a machine needs some power to energize, how much more a human body which needs to rejuvenate the cells in order to work again. Give yourself a moment where you can relax and free your mind from an unorganized workplace.

Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and the founder of which provides non-lethal self defense products such as stun guns, Taser and pepper sprays. Discover how stun guns and TASERs can save your life. Receive a free report on "Top 10 Self Defense Secrets Everyone Needs To Know". Limited amount available. Visit us and get your own copy now

Free Self-Acceptance Training Program now available at The Ascension Training Centre

In these three lessons, you will be taken on a journey into your Self.

If you are to move forward and make the best of all your gifts and talents, then you need to be able to fully accept your self. This program will show you the parameters necessary for successful Self-Acceptance.

Life’s journey is always about Self-Acceptance. What you see in others and judge as unacceptable is a mirror to something about you that you don’t want to see or accept.

Self-Acceptance is a process of recognizing these self-deficiencies and bringing them home to roost, that is, make them a part of your personal inventory and learn to accept each and every one of them for what they are, a little piece of you – like it or not.

To learn more, and to do it for free, go to this page and click on the free course on the right side of the page.


Work should be just one part of your life.

“How can an achievement-motivated workaholic learn to back off, relax, de-stress, and feel good about doing it? ”

Leo has written an excellent post in which he looks at answers in several parts

1. Being achievement-motivated.
2. Being a workaholic.
3. Learning to relax and de-stress.
4. Learning to feel good about it.

Read his post How to Stop Being a Workaholic

10 Tips for Navigating the Waters of Life

While some of us might fit the stereotype of Jeff Spicoli beach bums who don’t care about anything other than riding waves, there is an entirely spiritual and zen side to the sport of surfing that gives us a chance to really understand how to navigate the waters of life. In fact one of the most common things you’ll hear a surfer say when asked about how much time they spend in the water is “Of course I surf every day that I can, it keeps you from going nuts.” So, here it is, in no particular order:

10 Tips for Navigating the Waters of Life

Dave Pollard has produced a wonderful diagram ..... 

It's essentially about finding or creating work that is at the 'sweet spot' where your Gift (what you do uniquely well), your Passion (what you love doing) and your Purpose (what is needed) intersect

and if you don't read any further it's a great tool for deciding on your career future.

But Dave has gone further and factored change into the situation.

Dave's blog - How to Save the World

This is a cutting-edge event that's coming up soon - Nov. 6th - 8th to be exact.

It's your chance to get the tools, techniques, advice, and strategies from the best self development experts in the world - over 40 of them - all in one place.

You'll get everything you need to transform your personal self and your professional life into what you've dreamed of and keep it that way permanently.

It's the opportunity you've been waiting for - to become the healthier, wealthier, happier, more successful YOU!

I know you're ready for true happiness and true success and that's why I didn't want you to miss out.

It's called Yoovolution and it's the world's largest personal and professional self development conference in the history of the Internet.

What makes it a truly one-of-a-kind event is that it's being held in a completely 3D virtual environment. That's great news for you! You don't have to worry about travel hassles and eating bad hotel food, plus the ticket price is significantly reduced compared to other conferences of this magnitude and quality. They're able to keep costs down low because of the cutting-edge technology. And, when I say magnitude and quality ... I mean you'll be blown away. You'll have access to over 40 world-class speakers and experts, including T. Harv Eker, Brian Tracy, Frank Maguire, Les Brown, Mark Victor Hansen, Scott Martineau, Ellie Drake, Alex Mandossian, and many, many more. The 3D virtual experience will be every bit as good as attending an event physically. In fact, the speakers will be coming to you live inside the virtual world. And, you'll be able to network with all the attendees in ways you never thought possible.

Make sure you check this out. It's unlikely they'll be able to put an event of this kind with so many speakers in one place again.