"A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if one's life is cold and bare he can blame none but himself."

Louis L'Amour

“There are three kinds of violence: one, through our deeds; two, through our words; and three, through our thoughts. …The root of all violence is in the world of thoughts, and that is why training the mind is so important.” -- Eknath Easwaran

"Do or do not. There is no try" Oh Yoda!

If you watched the swimming events at the Olympics, you probably observed the incredible focus the medalists demonstrated. Sure, they're strong and fast. But when hundredths— maybe even thousandths—of a second are all that separate the winners from the losers, it's obvious that something besides strength and speed is at work.

A comment by Flip Darr, a former collegiate swimming coach who played a part in training eight Olympic medalists, sheds some light on what that critical ingredient might be. "I felt in my coaching career that if I would work on [the swimmers'] head[s], their bodies would come along," he said. "A lot of coaches work on their bodies and then at the last moment try to do their heads. The thing is, if they are working with their heads all the time, and working with their head over the body, mind over matter, they will have more confidence when they walk up to the block."

What a great illustration of the value of good thinking. Athletic ability is important, but preparing for the biggest race of one's life is as much mental as it is physical—if not more so. As Bill MacCartney, the former head football coach at the University of Colorado, once told me, "Mental is to physical what four is to one."
That's a powerful argument in the case for good thinking—on the football field, as well as in your office at work. The specific thoughts that increase your effectiveness as a leader might not be the same as those required for an Olympic medal, but the overall commitment to thinking is identical.

As we continue the discussion about thinking that we began in the last issue of Leadership Wired, here are five statements that further underscore the importance of solid contemplation. => http://bit.ly/vP7eZq

Good morning. How are you feeling right now? Like, on a scale of 0 (very bad), to 100 (very good), where would you be? 75? 90? 20? Thanks for letting me know. Now, would you mind telling me what you’re doing right now? Interesting. Just one more question. Are you thinking about something other than what you’re currently doing?

The above three questions, minus the intervening banter, were asked at random intervals during the day of over 2200 adults. Their iPhone would alert them to the questions. They’d answer. And then, they’d get back to whatever it was they were doing.

How does a wandering mind affect happiness?

This simple design formed the basis of an important study by psychologists from Harvard University who were looking to answer one central question: Are all of the philosophical and religious traditions that teach us to be “in the moment,” or in other words, that encourage mindfulness in everything we do, correct in doing so? Or flipped the other way: Does a wandering mind make you less happy than a present mind?

... more http://bit.ly/oRKSy1

The average human brain requires 7-10 hours of nightly slumber.

Over your lifetime, that adds up to between 22 and 31 YEARS of your life spent snoozing, unconscious to the world.

But the latest research has revealed that much of this time may be *entirely wasted*.

In fact -- scientists have discovered that during sleep, a "unique" window of learning opens that allows your brain to absorb and assimilate new information like a sponge.

Yet - most people are NOT taking advantage of it!

That's why I'm so excited to reveal a 'secret weapon' that turns this "dead" time into your most powerful, deep and potent mind-altering self-development practice to date.

It's called Sleep Programming.

Check it out at:


Unlike 'daytime' hypnosis, subliminals, NLP or Law Of Attraction self-help, Sleep Programming is 100%effortless and completely automatic. In other words... there's literally NOTHING you need to do to enjoy fast, permanent change to your mind's programming.

It's so easy! Just go to sleep and wake up...

- More confident, obliterating any ego issues

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It's the fastest, easiest, most effortless way to change your life forever -- without dominating your 'waking' life, or your busy daytime schedule.

Sleep Programming retails for $129.95. However, for a limited time, I've arranged for a 25% discount off the price tens of thousands of other people have happily paid -- good until April 25, 2011.

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Hurry - you only have a few days to take advantage of this discount - and what's more, Sleep Programming is backed up by a full ONE YEAR guarantee. Either get *better* results than anything you may have tried in the past, or, the publisher will buy it back from you instantly for every cent you spend today.

Get it now!

To your success,


Time and time again I hear from good people who are fed up, frustrated, and just plain discouraged about their ability to reliably manifest what they want in life.

Do you ever feel like that?

If so, you're not alone. And even if you've gotten your brain wrapped around the concept of the Law of Attraction and are whole-hearted in your manifesting efforts--you still may have the nagging feeling you're not quite hitting with all cylinders.

That's why I'd suggest you take a few minutes to watch this...

[How To Multiply Your Manifesting Power]

For one thing, you'll hear from none other than Bob Proctor--one of the key people from The Secret. Bob has been at this a long time--decades in fact--and he's pretty much got the whole visualization thing dialed in.

One of the things Bob talks about are some of the most common misconceptions about visualization, and boy can I relate.

I remember when I first began exploring the Law of Attraction. I pretty much made ALL of these mistakes! For example...

1.You make some effort to practice visualizations for a few days--but nothing happens. So you decide it's a waste of time and stop. And guess what? Nothing happens. Duh.

2. You think you have to spend hours every day intensely focused on the things you want most. You settle down in the Lazy Boy and have at it--and you either fall asleep, get a pounding headache, or start thinking about a problem you're having at work. What a hassle--no wonder you've given up!

3. You've painstakingly glued a vision board together and you stare at it every day. You don't want anyone to know this, but you're bored. This whole activity is dull as dust and you don't feel much of anything except distracted.

4. You're not completely sure visualization will work--so you figure it's not worth trying unless you are 100% certain something wonderful will happen.

In fact, you've perfected "why bother" into an art form. Any of these things sound familiar? Well here's the good news...

[Bob's Got The Answers--And It Will Change Your Life]

Here's one of my favorite quotes from this video...

"Even if you don't believe in it--do it anyway. My attitude is: if your way isn't working, try mine. I'm doing all right. I'm healthy, happy, and I'm wealthy. I earn more money in one hour than I used to in twenty years. So I must know something. And I know that this works." ~Bob Proctor

I sincerely hope you find this as encouraging as I do--because the thing is, even if you're not sure visualization will work for you and result in successful manifesting--just do it!

Give it a try and see what happens.

But not for just a day or two--or even a week or two.

What you've got to do is make the commitment to spend a few minutes on this every single day--and I do mean EVERY DAY! Maybe even morning and night--but consistently make the effort.

Because according to Bob (and he should know!) it's the REPETITION of your visualizations that add up to a grand slam eventually.

He explains it all so clearly and much better than I ever could. But it has to do with the repetition creating a new frequency--a new vibration that then changes your actions--and then opens the door to what you want being attracted into your life.

Make sense? You bet it does! And no worries about how to wedge it into your schedule, because you don't have to spend a lot of time on it either.

Just a few minutes a day will do it IF you do it the right way.

All you have to do is follow the simple strategy Bob explains in this video. It's easy. And when you do, here's what happens...

[You Become A Powerful Manifesting Magnet]


It's exciting and it's totally achievable with a very simple shift in your thinking and actions--believe me, I've personally experienced how powerful this is and it is truly the key to creating your most perfect destiny.

I don't want to give away all the goods here--so just take a minute and watch the video OK? In the next ten minutes you could literally have the keys to the kingdom.

To your manifesting success,

P.S. Have you ever gotten so excited about something you had a kind of tingle at the core of your being? Or you just felt like every nerve ending was on high alert?

That's what happens when you experience strong emotions.And here's a hint--those emotions have EVERYTHING to do with creating successful visualizations.

And now Bob is going to explain exactly how you can access that fantastic energy to supercharge your visualizations.

[See It. Feel It. GET It Right Here]

"Fear is a question: What are you afraid of, and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness, because illness contains information, our fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if we explore them."

-- Marilyn Ferguson

Many previous studies have shown through the use of neuroimaging that meditation can change the brain. But most of those studies have looked at medium to long-term meditators. Some looked at monks who had meditated for decades, and some looked at new meditators who had meditated daily for 6 to 8 weeks. At least this much meditation practice was thought to be necessary to create measurable changes in the brain.

But a new study at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte suggests that brain changes may happen much more quickly, in as few as four days!

Read more ...

By Randy Hall

Intelligence is something most people wish they had more in abundance because it can open doors, create wealth and make it possible for you to do things easier. If you are one of these people the read on as the few steps may just be the key to the doorway of a better life.

Below you will find the seven steps that will help your brain work better and speed you on your quest for the things you want out of life.

1. One key to a healthy mind is a healthy body

By becoming fit your heart works better and pumps blood easier to supply oxygen to your brain. So it follows that a light exercise program will get you on your way to a fitter you. Stay active by walking or do some simple exercises in your home like deep knee bends or situps.

A simple work-out can trigger endorphins, which are responsible for making us feel happy. By feeling this way we have a more positive outlook which will have a positive effect on the brain.

2. Feeding your body the right foods also feeds your brain.

Adding natural supplements such as vitamins and minerals not only have a nutritional effect on your body, but on your mind as well. The results of course are better brain power! Natural supplements can be found in health food stores or for sale on the Internet.

3. Exercise your brain

We all know that exercise will keep your body fit and the same holds true for the brain. Use your brain everyday to think, memorize, even play word games like scrabble or crossword puzzles. Any activity that will make you use your brain will be beneficial. So read, talk with others, or meditate. All of these things will stimulate your brain.

4. Turn off the TV and write something

Let your imagination wander and write a fictional short story. Start a journal or read an article and expand on it. There are many things that you can write about that will help keep your brain active and alert.

5. Pick an educational hobby

There are many to choose from, like stamp collecting or start a coin collection. Find out which ones are valuable. I have a friend that paid off his 30 year mortgage in a year by finding valuable coins. Whatever you pick it should be something that you have to do some research on, so make sure it is a subject you are interested in pursuing. The purpose of this is to start using parts of your brain that aren't normally used or haven't been used before. Learning to play a musical instrument is a good way to use new parts of the brain.

6. Get plenty of sleep

When you sleep your body recharges and rebuilds itself. Sleeping is benefficial to your overall health and you should try to get six to eight hours every night. If at all possible take ten-minute power naps as well. Sleeping well will keep you energized so you'll be ready, willing and able to be active. Don't deprive yourself of sleep as it also allows the brain to function better by being more alert.

7. Find peaceful repose

Relax in a nice easy chair and let the worries and cares of the day fall away. Rid yourself of the anxiety and stress of work, family life and social activities. Try to let your mind be completely at rest for 15 to 30 minutes each day. This will give you inner peace and serenity. Become one with your surroundings. Listen to the gentle sounds of nature around you and bask in the glory of the world around.

Remember negative thoughts cause us to become tense. Happy, positive thoughts put us in a better frame of mind, where our minds will work more efficiently and effectively.

Once you find you have taken the seven steps as far as they can go in boosting your mind power you may want to increase your mind power even more. Unlocking your true mind power is not only possible, but the scope of it is incredible. There is a clinically proven method of doing just that. To learn more about this method just CLICK HERE!