Too many people think "ums" are a sin, and let's include y'know like" as well!

Sure, in an ideal world, we would all speak fluently.

On the other hand, "ums" are part of conversational language, sprinkled liberally, even strategically. Your audience will not notice them, probably, forgive them if they do -

only if you are using WAAAY too many will they notice, and maybe wonder why, and be a little distracted, especially if our speech is not resonating in some way.

I usually advise that It's a risk worth considering in your rehearsal and practice times.

Start by listening to others - sports commentators, interviewees on television, anyone speaking publicly.

Listen for their fillers then you will learn to listen for your own.

Unless your speech if absolutely fascinating, any "pause fillers" you add too repetitiously, like um, or y'know, or OK will start to stand out. They will capture the audience above your speech. Start by listening to others - sports commentators, interviewees on television, anyone speaking publicly. Listen for their fillers then you will learn to listen for your own.

Journalist and language expert Erard believes we can learn a lot from our mistakes. He argues that the secrets of human speech are present in our own proliferating verbal detritus. Erard plots a comprehensive outline of verbal blunder studies throughout history, from Freud's fascination with the slip to Allen Funt's Candid Camera. Smoothly summarizing complex linguistic theories, Erard shows how slip studies undermine some well-established ideas on language acquisition and speech. Included throughout are hilarious highlight reels of bloopers, boners, Spoonerisms, malapropisms and eggcorns. The author also introduces interesting people along the way, from notebook-toting, slip-collecting professors to the devoted members of Toastmasters, a public speaking club with a self-help focus.

According to Erard, the aesthetic of umlessness is a relatively new development in society originating alongside advents in mechanical reproduction, but it may be on its way out already.