Pivotal resilience - road


As you may have heard in that old but great movie Forest Gump, life can be like a box of chocolates. There are different flavours. You may not like all the chocolates in the box but you don't throw the box away, you decide what you would like to have.

There are a number of words to describe what happens when the result you want doesn't turn out the way you expect. Although the words "failure" and "obstacle" are often used, is that really what it is or could you look at it differently and use it as an experience to learn from?

There are bumps in the road of life for everyone. Nothing is absolutely perfect so it's important to your own well being to discover ways to handle any kind of setback if it happens. If there are no plans in place, fears creep in, overwhelm pops up it's head and stress takes over.

If everything was always smooth sailing you would not be very well equipped to deal with anything in life, especially when the outcome doesn't turn out the way you expected. The first rough patch and you would probably be carried off in a strait jacket.

Have you ever seen the hands of a construction worker? The palms are often thick areas of skin from working with equipment. Those calluses form so that next time his hands will be better prepared for the work.

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Getting knocked down and then expecting to get back up can be difficult for many people. As we look into our ancestral past, we will see examples of many humans that had to deal with dangers that were real. They either handled it or simply died. In today's world, life has changed. We no longer have to deal with survival that threatens our life. And yet, our subconscious mind still thinks in those terms.

When we lose a job or some other difficulty, life may seem like it is over. If we are asked to perform at higher levels, we see that as a threat to our well-being. Not in what we have to do, but in being told what we have to do. And that makes things more difficult. So does the threat from a creditor. Heck, they might as well be some predator in the wild as far as our minds are concerned.
It certainly seems that today we are facing so many difficulties that really challenge us. How we handle them will determine where we go. Each of us has the ability to come back or to fold. It's not about what we have, but about what we believe and think.
The ones that have come back from any situation were always people of action. They had a determination and created a plan to see what they could do. These type of people existed all throughout history. They came from every socioeconomic group. And then they just did it. And so can you.
There are things that you can do that will enable you to deal with life's difficulties and make a strong comeback. Here are a few.  =>  http://bit.ly/xM6DN7