The book-aholic has found the cure for everyone who misses the smell of paper in these digital times: a perfume that smells of books, thanks to a "fatty" olfactory mark.

 Can you keep a secret? I mean, can you keep a really, really significant secret? If you can, then you have a big head start on holding yourself happy.

Tragedies of many "degrees" occur all the time. Happenings occur that are way beyond your control. How do you keep going?

Steve came through the door of my office looking as though he had been run over by a pickup truck and left for dead. He was literally dirty, clothes torn, blood dripping from his left nostril.
"What hit you?" was all I could manage.
"I just got mugged down town on my way to see you. That's way it been going these last several weeks," Steve said. (Not his real name.) "My life is a mess. I jammed up and my wife left me and took the kids. I was laid off the job that I had for 17 years. My mother died two weeks ago. Father was already gone. I am about to have my house foreclosed. I am just not happy."

Pardon me, but I almost laughed when he said, "I am just not happy." I managed to stifle the impulse, however. Steve didn't say that to be humorous. He said it because it tallied up his entire life at that moment.
We went to the restroom across from my office and got the bleeding stopped and his face clean. Then back to my office so we could talk. He told me the usual tale of how he had been raised to believe if he just had the right stuff, the correct job, lived in the proper neighborhood, drove a certain car, he would be happy. Instead, all these, plus his family, were gone in a few weeks time.

I said, "I'll teach you a confidential way. It won't heal your problems, but it will help you contend with them. Can you keep a secret?" I am sure this sounded much too light for him, but he was game for anything at that point.

I told him happiness resided on his inside, not his outside. I said to him that I was not making light of his circumstances, but the secret was he could be happy even in the midst of great discomfort or tragedy. He could always be happy if he remembered this secret and applied it in every circumstance.

"You have seen, unfortunately, first hand, that depending on outward situations does not bring happiness," I said. "You need to develop an inward hidey-hole, an escape-room, where your happiness is locked away. Then nothing can ruin you."

I told him all he had to do to have and keep this escape-room was to determine it was so. Decide that at the Core of the Universe, and therefore his own core, there was deep, profound and eternal Harmoniousness that nothing could trouble or destroy. He needed to latch onto that Harmony by being making contact with the Harmony daily. Taking just a few moments in a day to deeply center in on being happy on the interior. That he needed to see this happiness sending out rays to range over all possibilities.

Is there such a place within each of us? Oh, yes. Make no mistake, we are hardwired to the Core of Harmony of the Universe.

So, I told Steve, the world can be falling apart around us, yet we can remain enveloped in our happiness. Not as a means of permanent retreat from the substantial world. But as a place of evacuation where we can refresh our spirits and reach our strength for the disturbances in life. Steve left my office a little bit better off than when he appeared dirty and bleeding. As I communicated with him over the weeks to come, he was feeling much better about himself and his world.

You, too, can feel much better when you evolve and hold this secret base of happiness within you. It takes just a few minutes each day to retreat to this site of safety, to reequip yourself for whatever is happening in your corporal world. Does it solve problems? No. But it surely helps you contend with them. Decide now, right now, that you have this secret of happiness within you.

Author:  Dr Robert Henry Schwenk  Working with me through blogs, emails and newsletters you will be uplifted, given ways and means to make yourself even better than you are. You will be able to solve the problem you may have of low self esteem, knowing your own worth, feeling as if you deserve the best. Life is too short, I believe, not to be able to find someone to help you solve the problem of the meaning of life. I am here 4 U. In my works you will find the way to happiness, which is the meaning of life. I will help you find a way that leads you to happiness that is ever-present and everlasting.
To that end I have a few credentials: 40 years as a life coach; B.A. from Baldwin-Wallace College, M.Div. from Wesley Theo. Seminary, D.Min. from United Theo. Seminary. Have published two books, several ebooks, many blogs, over 150 articles on
Sometimes named "The Maven of Meaning," or "The Harbinger of Happiness."
If you would like to contact me you can do so at

“Lighten up! Whatever happens as a result of your decision, you’ll handle it!”

-- Susan Jeffers

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."

-- Mark Caine

No more meekly saying 'yes'
When my heart is screaming 'no'
No more taming of my feelings
So my power won’t show
No more hiding my exuberance
From disapproving eyes
No more watering down myself
So my spirit won't rise

No more 'smalling up' of me
Pretending I am not here
No more running from the music
And the spotlight's glare
No more living in this prison
Barricaded by my fears
No more turning and retreating
In the face of new frontiers

Even as I am speaking
I am taking shape and form
Harnessing my powers
Like a gathering storm
There's no obstacle so bold
As to dare stand in my way
I am taking back my life
And I am doing it today.

Jean Wilson

Kate started out with a powerful quotation ....

“The highest-paid person in the first half of the next century will be the ‘storyteller.’ The value of products will depend on the story they tell. Nike and many other global companies are already mainly storytellers. That is where the money is — even today.” -Rolf Jensen, futurist and author of The Dream Society

She makes the point

Not all stories are created equal. A good story is indeed powerful, but what many people call stories are not complete. They are just reports or facts. Many are just set ups for the real story. So what makes a good story good and also useful?
• Get the whole story
• Evoke an emotional response
• Deliver it well

Get all the details here

From Pivotal personal best

Get service

From Pivotal public speaking

Thought for the day

From Pivotal Kids

The rhino song – lots of fun counting!

Louisiana cyberbullying law takes effect

Today’s read – “Character is destiny”

From WRB

Today’s must-read “The Pacific” was made into a miniseries for television

This is the blog of Pivotal Points, where you an catch up on all the resources that have been coming through the website, blogs and ezines, and all the rest of the action.
See you soon!

Glenn Dakin (Author)

Murder, mystery, and adventure aren’t your typical birthday presents . . .
But for Theo, anything that breaks up his ordinary routine is the perfect gift.
A mysterious “illness” and Theo’s guardians force him into a life indoors, where gloves must be worn and daily medical treatments are the norm. When Theo discovers a suspicious package on his birthday, one person from the past will unlock the secret behind Theo’s “illness” and change his life forever.
Molded into an exhilarating steampunk adventure that gives birth to the next great fantasy hero, Theo Wickland, Candle Man: The Society of Unrelenting Vigilance is the first book in a trilogy by debut author Glenn Dakin.