"Darkness reigns at the foot of the lighthouse"
~ Japanese Proverb

Since Ancient times, Lighthouses were used to mark dangerous coastlines, hazardous shoals and reefs, often in inaccessible locations.

They exist because storms exist.

They symbolize safety, guidance and Integrity.

Sometimes in our lives, we find ourselves in difficult places. But the truth is that it is not about you. It is about the bigger picture.

It is about understanding the purpose of being a Lighthouse.

As Lightworkers, we are the Light in the dark. The Lighthouse Call is the opportunity to shine your Light for others. Maybe the only light they will see is coming from YOU

This is the work you came to do and it is not going to be forever in a place you don't want to be. This is the Mission of a true Lighthouse

Many religious traditions entail the importance of being quiet and still in mind and spirit for transformative and fundamental sacred growth to occur.

Silence is core to all spiritual practices.

Silence means being tranquil so that we can pay attention to the Voice that seeks out our hearts and minds.

"Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods."
~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson

It might surprise you, but just click here to find out in this unforgettable 3 minute movie.

It is important to do our living in the present moment, not the past or future. Most of us on the spiritual path know this, but still fall into old patterns of thinking. These quotes may be helpful. They are combined with various images from our animal friends and Native American music by Peter Kater and R. Carlos Nakai. Most of the quotes were obtained from Quotegarden.com.

In this overview from the book by Harold W. Becker, Internal Power, Seven Doorways to Self Discovery, we find ourselves in a Grand Hallway with seven doorways representing our potential. Each doorway leads us into greater insight, understanding and personal awareness. The hallway represents our inner selves while the doorways help us recognize our journey to inner peace and freedom.

The first doorway, Choice, is the foundation of our journey of self discovery. Here we also realize the power of intent and responsibility in relationship to our choices. In doorway two, we encounter the various ways we Communicate, both within and externally. Auditory, visual or kinesthetic along with our internal and external dialogue all point to the types of thoughts we entertain. Positive Thinking is doorway three and here we find the road to happiness and joy in acknowledging the positive aspects of our lives.

Doorway four opens us up to the world of our Creativity. By accepting our creative nature through our thoughts, we restore the fullness of our ability to consciously create in everything we do. Doorway five brings us to the important understanding of our innate Masculine and Feminine energies. Perhaps one of the most potent of our attributes is to embrace and balance the imagination, the feminine energy, with that of our masculine energy of willpower. This goes beyond our gender identification and when in balance, we become more whole and complete.

Doorway six leads us to the most incredible and fulfilling relationship of our Child Within. We can learn to bring this vibrant and dynamic energy back into our present moment as a spontaneous and joyful expression. This brings us to the final doorway of Unconditional Love. The culmination of our life journey, here we release our attachments to fear and doubt and accept the natural flow of love that is always present. Our Internal Power is greatest when we realize unconditional love for ourselves and all life.