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Getting Involved in Your child's Education
parents are involved in their children's education, kids do better
in school. 1. Want to learn how to
help your child achieve and succeed? Read on! You'll learn
why involvement is so important and suggestions
how to get involved.
Looking at the
processes and actions embedded
within various team and individual sports is a great way to get
exposed to concepts and ideas from physics, engineering, and any
other number of basic and applied sciences.

Backyard Buddies are the native animals that share our built-up areas,
waterways, backyards and parks.
Backyard buddies are also the people who value native animals and plants, and want
to protect and help them.
Electrocity is an online game which involves students building
and managing
their own virtual towns and cities, making important decisions
and learning
about energy generation and environmental management.Plug in a TV, switch on a
wall light, or turn on an electric guitar and your world is
transformed. All it took was some electricity. But this "juice" wasn't
always available to all and in large quantities. Find out how the
current situation evolved by exploring a little electricity history.
Go to:
Small-Scale Hydroelectric Generator
Make a small hydroelectric generator that works.
Harnessing Solar Energy
To discover the properties of light (radiant) energy from the sun by
experimenting with solar collectors, cookers, and calculators.
Renewable Energy Sources
Students will investigate a variety of renewable energy resources, as well
as the benefits and drawbacks of each.
Be an Energy Saver
This lesson focuses on the scarce and nonrenewable nature of fossil fuels
in order to stimulate student thinking about energy conservation.
Sensing Energy: Designing To Stay Cool
Students will explore the unseen energy produced by the sun.
Roofus\' Solar Home
Meet Roofus the dog and find out about his energy efficient home.
Renewable Energy Links
Links relating to various types of renewable energy sources compiled by
Jackie Miers.
Energy: The Alternative
This site explores the use of renewable and alternative energy sources.
Energy and Energy Transfer
Explanation of renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
Energy Around Us
Learn about energy and the environment.
Energy Conservation Game
In this student interactive, students match energy-using products with
products that perform similar tasks, but use much less energy.
Power Up
As students choose their types of power they want to use, they will learn
how much power the plant provides, how much it costs, and the effect it could
have on the environment.
to the Earth: Integrated unit
In this unit students research renewable and non-renewable energy sources for
use in a new city, and present their findings in a web based information report.
(Level: UP)
The website is aimed at students for the General Certificate of Secondary
Education (GCSE) and gives the names of energy sources, how they work,
advantages and disadvantages and whether they are renewable. (UP - LS)
Energy Study
Sheets and Classroom Activities - Middle School
Produced by the US National Energy Education Development Project, the study
sheets and classroom activities available here are aimed at middle school
students. The study sheets cover an introduction to energy, petroleum, natural
gas, and propane. Among the classroom activities: downloadable energy graphics,
energy plays, energy rock performances, and games and icebreakers to introduce
and reinforce energy concepts and information.
Primarily aimed at Northern Territory businesses and residents, this site about
saving energy describes no cost initiatives (such as doing things in a different
way) can achieve huge savings and investments in technical solutions can pay for
themselves quickly. There are suggestions for both households and schools about
how to save energy in hot-dry, and hot-wet, climates. The site contains
calculators, information about appliance running costs, heating and cooling, and
saving energy on transport.
science in society
These ANSTO curriculum materials, aimed at upper primary and lower secondary
students, consist of twelve topics, arranged into four themes: Radioactivity,
Life in the nuclear age, Using radiation and Choosing nuclear futures. (UP - LS)

Teaching Outside
the Box:
How to Grab Your
Students By Their Brains
by LouAnne Johnson
This book is a must for beginning teachers and for pros who need
new ideas. It combines street smart practicality
with the creative thinking we need to reach kids
Try RocketReader Kids
The ultimate child reading tutor. Ages 4
to 8.

What is it that
excites you, makes
you smile and fuels
your dreams?
Click on
the picture for more about this
inspirational book for children.
Catch the Fly
Mr. Frog needs you to give him the x, y coordinates for a fly so he can
dine. Type in the correct coordinates of where the fly lands to feed the
Courage to Teach: Exploring the
Inner Landscape of a
Teacher's Life
by Parker
J. Palmer
“Though not an easy book to
read, as a teacher of some
thirty years I find this
book to be challenging,
inspiring and definitely
thought-provoking. Mr.
Palmer is challenging us to
reexamine not only our
teaching styles but
ourselves as teachers..”

Calculate a household's
greenhouse gas emissions
online by answering
questions about the use of
transport, home appliances,
and wastes. Also find
out what can be done to
reduce a carbon footprint.