My Family
Students map family members to visualize and represent shapes and develop
spatial sense.
Family Pictures
The students make a picture diagram of his or her family.
This lesson students learn that each and every one of them is unique and a
special member of their family.
Unit Plan for Family,1607,7-155-10710_10733_10735-39152--,00.html
In this unit, children engage in a study of real and fictional families
depicted in children's literature and other texts. Through reading, writing,
listening, speaking, and viewing, they analyze and compare a wide variety of
types of families.
Me and My Family (Preschool) - This preschool education theme promotes self-awareness and enhances learning about family.
Families & Friends (Early/Primary) - A list of ideas for themes on family or friends.
Me Unit (K) - A thematic unitwhich incorporates learning about “me”, body parts, the five senses, and families. During this time we are also working on shapes and colors.
Family Pictures (K-2) - Children will exercise their graphing skills by creating, reading, and comparing picture graphs using the total number of people in their families.
Family Crest (K-3) - Children can begin to think about their family histories and their own lives by making a family crest.
Where We Came From (K-3) - Students will explore their family heritage
Many Places, Many Faces: Children Around the World (1) - Social Studies Unit on families around the world.
And the Winner Is... (1-2) - Children will use their artistic skills to create an award for a fabulous family member.
Who Helps? (1-2) - Children develop their understanding of how their families function and renew their appreciation for various family members.
Families Theme Unit Introduction (2)- based in part on the "Family Photos" theme from the Houghton Mifflin reading curriculum. This 3 week unit focuses primarily on reading, but integrates writing, grammar, social studies and art.
Home > Border Papers > Family/People Family/People Aunt Border Paper Border Paper: Brother Border Paper: Grandpa Border Paper: Papa Border Paper: Uncle Grandma Border Paper Mama Border Paper Mom Border Paper with lines...
© a b c teach Family Dining color...
3. Spring Theme Booklet: Family Poem
© a b c teach spring Family Poem: Begin each line of the poem with the letter on the line. Each line should be something to do with your family....
4. Family Valentine Crossword Puzzle
abcteach crosswords Family Valentine Across 2 Your Mom's Mom (7) 4 sweet treat (5) 6 mix red and white to get this (4) 10 color of hearts (3) 11 taste (5) Down 1 opposite of sad (5) 2 Your Dad's Dad (7) 3 Mother (3) 4 pretty...
5. Did you know fact cards: My Family
H o m e abcteach My Family back...
home © a b c Family puzzles Across 6. Your mother's sister 7. a female sibling 8. Opposite of sister 11. An infant 12. A place to learn. Down 1. A place where you live. 2. The kids swing at the __________ground. 3. You...
© a b c teach kids MY FAMILY Scrawny Shawny Pudding and Ryan Play all day just like a lion. Mummy said "Its time for bed" Put your pillow on your head. SHAWN...
8. Word Searches: lower case letters; family
© a b c teach Easy Family r e h t o r b b r y g y r e h t o m e a r z l e l n n o h t a w r i t c b i t z n w e g m s n y a s d a u n t a i u f n p u w e f e f s w n a m t o r o w u i c r t p r l c x p t g e n d c e b s x u u n c l r m z f e m a t...
9. Family
back to Interactive puzzles Printable Puzzles Family You need Java enabled to view the crossword applet. Copyright © Web page created by Crossword Compiler ....
10. Family Thanksgiving Shape Book Pattern
© a b c teach Family Thanksgiving Holiday...
© a b c babysit Bear Family Christmas Christmas...
2. |
Handprints Craft - Home Tell a Friend Search DLTK's Family
Handprints Craft Materials paper pencil scissors OPTIONAL
hole punch and string family Instructions trace each family member's
hand |
3. |
the Family Puppets into a Family Tree - Home Tell a Friend
Search DLTK's Turning the Family Puppets into a Family Tree Materials
family puppets coloring pages ice cream pail or other large empty pail
stones to fill the pail |
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Family Tree - [ DLTK Home
] [ Bible Home
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] [ Search ] Updated Lots
added to the Veggie Tales section |
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Portrait Name Tags - [ DLTK Home
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added to the Veggie Tales section |
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printable word family worksheets - [ Crafts for
Kids ] [ Coloring Pages ] [ DLTK Teach ] [ Greeting Cards ] [ Sites for
Teachers ] [ Back ] [
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7. |
printable word family worksheets - [ Crafts for
Kids ] [ Coloring Pages ] [ DLTK Teach ] [ Greeting Cards ] [ Sites for
Teachers ] [ Back ] [
1 ] [ color list |
37. My
Family (essay topic): |
5 |
Theme (Grades K - 8) |
6 |
Theme (Grades K - 8) |
Are Family
Make a class bar graph to celebrate the differences in students' families.
Help children learn what makes a family through discussion and the planning of
a classroom family day.
Stellaluna's family - webquest for K-2
Butterfly family reunion - webquest for K-2
Family tree