

by KidZone.ws

Draw Like an Egpytian
Step-by-step instructions to learn to draw like an Egyptian

Source: Ancient Egpyt Classroom Activities

Egyptian Web Clipart used by permission from Neferchichi's Egyptian Graphics

Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Printable worksheets that allow children to write their names in hieroglyphic characters.


NOVA - Hieroglyphs: Say What?
Crack a message in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Subject: Arts & Literature, Math, Social Studies
Grade Level: 3-5, High, K-2, Middle
Topic: World Literature, Problem Solving & Reasoning, Patterns/Functions & Algebra, World History & Cultures, World History: Ancient Civilizations & Empires (4000 B.C.-1000 A.D.)
Resource Type: Lesson Plan

  Make Your Own Cartouche
Enter your name in the blank, hit enter, and it will show what your name looks like in hieroglyphics! (Caution: Some ads may not be kid-friendly. You could print these out for students, however.)

Egypt's Golden Empire - Egyptian Beliefs
Students will understand and mimic writing methods and materials used by the Egyptians by writing in their own secret hieroglyphs.

Subject: Arts & Literature, Social Studies
Grade Level: 3-5, Middle
Topic: Visual Arts, World History & Cultures, World History: Ancient Civilizations & Empires (4000 B.C.-1000 A.D.)
Resource Type: Lesson Plan


craft project using heiroglyphs