MS Readathon June 1 – June 30

 MS Australia is encouraging children to have fun reading to change the lives of Australians living with multiple sclerosis (MS) by taking part in the annual MS Readathon. Each working day five people are diagnosed with MS, a disease that affects the body’s central nervous system producing symptoms such as blurred vision, loss of balance, pins and needles and speech difficulties. With no known cause or cure for MS, this annual event has become one of the largest fundraisers for MS Australia. Each year the MS Readathon inspires children to help people living with MS by collecting sponsorship from family and friends for the books they read in the month of June. Participants who complete receive a Certificate and reading rewards. How you can help…We can send you a Reader Leader pack containing registration forms and posters to help you encourage children to race to register. Please call the State/Territory office on 1300 677 323 to order your pack today. Register yourself or someone you know today via our website