Nine steps to Better Listening

We desperately need our listening skills - or we stand to waste time, misunderstand directions at work and at home, and sabotage our social lives.

Make effective listening a habit.

Start with these nine tips.

1. Make listening a two-way process – learn to clarify what you thought you heard.    Decode the language the other person was using, and take away any of your own assumptions that might block your understanding. 

2. Make an effort to have a positive attitude towards the speaker and subject, so that your prejudices don’t overwhelm your understanding.

3. Relax. But stay focussed. You sabotage your ability to listen if you are stressed, “on the run”, or nervous because of the status of the speaker.

4. Avoid completing sentences for someone you perceive as slow.

5. Personal anecdotes are, not a waste of time, but a way to understand the speaker’s perspective and therefore a way to more effectively decode their message

6. Don’t waste listening time preparing your reply.

7. Focus on the present moment, not the past or the future.

8. Keep judgements and conclusions until the end of the message.

We are all blessed with two ears and one mouth – a constant reminder that we should listen twice as much as we talk!

© 2005 Bronwyn Ritchie  All rights reserved.  If you would like to use this article, you have permission to use it only in full, and with the following Resource box attached.
Bronwyn Ritchie is a librarian, an award-winning public speaker and ITC-certified trainer - Bringing you resources and training in public speaking, management of self and of your community organisation,  resources for teachers, and new and news from the internet.  Visit