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I've enjoyed sharing these stories with you. Perhaps they will inspire you, allow you to nurture your own story.
Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you could inspire, that you could help other people nurture their story?
That no matter how ugly or ordinary or un"succssful"ful you may be, that you have a story to share, that you have personal experiences or learning or strengths that would benefit someone else?
Please know that you do.
I hope that you will think about what you have ... where in your story, there is something worth telling, something that would give someone else something that made their life just that little bit better, that little bit easier.
I would love to share it here .... along with the others for us to enjoy, to understand, to laugh,
perhaps shed a tear, be inspired, to learn, to share.
If you aren't ready, perhaps I can help.
Click here and we can work out how to make that happen.
You DO have a story to tell.