Gestures can make or break a presentation. Normally, they flow naturally as a person expresses their thoughts, but if they are wooden or distracting, then they spoil whatever point the speaker is trying to make.

My latest free set of tips is about gestures - how to overcome the problems of being distracting or wooden, or when they just don't work for you.

Visit the courses web page and click the button, and I'll send you the first in the series.

The Power Of Time Management Training

The goal of time management is to use your time more wisely. As you become more proficient with time management, you will be able to accomplish daily tasks with ease and you will feel better about yourself. The problem usually arises, not because you have too much to do, but rather, because of the way you manage your time. In today’s world, there are a lot of distractions out there that allow you to divert your attention to things that are more fun to do.

More on Time Management