"You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!"
-- Jalal-Uddin Rumi
"You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!"
-- Jalal-Uddin Rumi
Networking is more than just a buzzword. It's probably the best opportunity you will ever have to make connections, build relationships and help yourself and others in the networking group succeed. Networking with like-minded individuals is also a great way to explore new career options, learn more about a specific industry, gather insights from peers on critical business issues and grow professionally.
With the information age upon us, and immense knowledge being constantly shared, people are being asked more frequently to address public audiences. The need to define study tips on public speaking is rapidly growing. More and more people are standing in front of their audiences with nothing to say, or it seems that way. These following tips on public speaking will show you why it is important to target you message to an audience that will enjoy it.
"Ordinary people believe only in the possible. Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible."
- Cherie Carter-Scott
What if there was a cure for procrastination, perfectionism and overcommitting? How much simpler and more successful would our lives be?
Mr Hugh Kearns and Ms Maria Gardiner from the Staff Development and Training Unit at Flinders University have been working with academic staff, PhD students and groups outside the university to "cure" such behaviours and their efforts have won a prestigious national award a Carrick Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning.
The pair have developed a unique approach to dealing with what they call self-sabotaging behaviours.
"The key that unlocks energy is desire. It's also the key to a long and interesting life. If we expect to create any drive, any real force within ourselves, we have to get excited."
Earl Nightingale
1921-1989, Radio Announcer and Author
Resource for the Week:
Don’t let lack of confidence and nerves prevent you from being the public speaker you want to be.
This eBook will give you mental and physical techniques as well as systems to control your nerves and present with confidence.
Planning on giving a talk?
If you're a nervous speaker, you might be tempted to write your speech and then read it. Don't!
Here are 5 reasons why reading a speech is an invitation to disaster.
"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional."
Roger Crawford
"Each today, well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness and each tomorrow a vision of hope. Look, therefore, to this one day, for it and it alone is life."
-- Sanskrit poem
If you can't write your message in a sentence, you can't say it in an hour.
Dianna Booher