Many of you are very familiar with Mike Brescia and ThinkRight Now's line of Accelerated Success ConditioningPrograms.

They are phenomenal products that use thetechnology developed by the famed psychotherapist GeorgiLozanov that allowed people to learn information from 5 to10 times faster than normal teaching methods.

And so you may already be aware that these programs actually teach you the unconscious empowering thought patterns found in people who are the best at a variety of different life disciplines.

In other words, they don't just give you information and leave you on your own. No, they actually install the knowledge into your long-term memory. So you actually learn to think on a moment-by-moment basis like the people you want to be like, so you automatically make similar decisions and thus, get similar results.

Plus, the whole process is the model of simplicity.

The success stories they've got are absolutely astounding. And the REALLY interesting part today is that Think RightNow is running a 3 day sale.

All their Think Right Now and Instant Inner Power programs are 20% off until Thursday at 2pm U.S. Eastern Time.

If you want to experience some truly profound positive change in your life and you love saving money, you should check it out now.

To save 20% on all Think Right Now programs, go here:-

To save 20% on all Instant Inner Power programs, go here:-

And remember, on Thursday at 2pm U.S. Eastern Time, they are shutting off the discounts, no exceptions.

I recommend you find out about these products now and use them. I have some of their programs and I love them.

I believe you will love them, too.

Especially since you'll be saving 20%.

All the best,


P.S. Remember, this sale ends this Thursday (Feb 7th) at 2pm
U.S. Eastern Time.

"It is a mistake to suppose that men succeed through success; they much oftener succeed through failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure has done."

- Samuel Smiles

One of the common denominators of successful people is their ability to persevere when things don't go as planned. Effective people don't allow themselves to get bogged down in feelings that don't serve their purpose.
On the other hand, ineffective, unsuccessful people allow their emotions to rule rather than their rational and objective nature. They lament what happened or what didn't and become victims rather than masters of their circumstances.

We all have disappointments. We all suffer setbacks. If we're going to attempt anything worthwhile, we're going to experience failure. The mature—and ultimately successful person—sees failure as part of success. When one method fails, they try again with a new one. Sometimes it takes many attempts.

Article continues

"Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."

Samuel Ullman1840-1924, Educator, Writer and Poet

Resource for the Week:
Overcome any Fears or Phobias with the board-certified team at The Phobia Clinic.

Specialists in solving fear of public speaking, stage fright resolution and overcoming performance-related anxieties, they also have outstanding results at their Emetophobia Clinic and with fears about flying among many other common fears & phobias.

When I learned what top marketers knew and then simply applied it to my speaking business, my income literally TRIPLE the next year. This was the smartest, most - lucrative decision I've ever made for my speaking business and is one decision that made me a very wealthy speaker.
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