In the Line of Fire: How to Handle Tough Questions...When It Counts
by Jerry Weissman

From the reviews

Whether you're a classroom teacher or the President, this book will help you be an effective communicator. This book is so insightful, reading it feels like cheating.

When asked a crucial question in a public forum, a novice may panic and freeze. Jerry Weissman shows how it's not necessarily what the answer is. It's how you answer that will allow you to prevail and win!""

Weissman shows how the speaker can control the question, the answer, the questioner, the audience, the time, and himself/herself -- and create and maintain a positive image in the process. Discover how to avoid the defensive, evasive, or contentious answers that have destroyed political careers and ruin credibility. Learn to control your entire exchange with a hostile questioner: the question, answer, interactions with questioner and audience, timing, and above all, yourself

Weissman provides techniques that will help someone defuse hostile inquiries without being defensive, evasive, or contentious. When you get right down to it, most of these strategies seem obvious and logical. Rely on absolute truth. Honor the audience. Listen effectively. Paraphrase and restate the Roman Column (the key issue) of the question. Identify and develop position statements for each red flag issue. Achieve Topspin. Prepare and practice, practice and prepare.

What makes this book additionally entertaining as well as educational is the use of real-life case studies from the realms of television, sports, and most of all, politics - from Presidential debates to stock analyst meetings.  They show what to say and do, and what NOT to say and do. Here we see the best and the worst of the figures we're all too familiar with.

 It is relevant to anyone in a position of authority who must deal with the public or with employees or colleagues. It offers good advice for everybody, even those not running for the presidency of a country, a company, or a community group. The examples are clear, easy to understand, and empowering.

Whether an executive, politician, fundraiser, interviewee, teacher, student -- or even a family member at Thanksgiving dinner -- you're judged on how you handle these moments. Get this book: handle them brilliantly.

""In an era where businesspeople and politicians unfortunately have proven their inability to be honest with bad news, I believe this book should be prescribed reading in every business school, and for every management training session. In fact, I hope it is read by a far wider audience than that. It's just what our society needs right now.""

Great truths made simple and compelling for any leader to use.""

This book provides the fundamental foundation on how to prepare, be agile, and take charge no matter how difficult the question.""

""Jerry's technique is both masterful and universal because it finds common ground between audience and speaker, hard questions and direct answers, all with a very simple principle: truth

List Price:$24.95
You pay:$16.47

Grab a piece of paper and a pen sit down and write down a list of everything you want out of life.
Do you want a particular kind of car?
You want a particular type of house?
Where do you want to live?
Write down everything.
Only when you get everything out on paper can you see what you really want out of life.

Americans spend an average of 14 hours a week online and 14 hours watching TV. But marketers spend 22% of their advertising dollars on TV and only 6% online, according to data compiled and analyzed by Google. Why are some chief marketing officers and major advertisers reluctant to add digital technology to the marketing mix, despite the Internet's ability to help target huge audiences and build brand awareness? Wharton faculty and marketing experts offer a number of answers, but they also note that CMOs and others will soon have no choice but to start taking advantage of an increasing number of online advertising options.

The Canadian Library Association has given out its annual awards: Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis won the Book of the Year for Children Award, and Mistik Lake by Martha Brooks won the Young Adult Canadian Book Award

There seems to be hundreds of theories and opinions about nerves in relation to making a presentation. Possibly one of the more famous sayings is that it is okay to have butterflies, as long as they are flying in the same formation. Other people say presentation nerves are built-in anti-complacency buttons, ensuring that we are always on edge and performing to our best.

Article continues

For most people, just the thought of—or the hint that they might “have to” —speak in public automatically raises their anxiety level to red alert. In fact, it’s well know that many psychological polls rank public speaking as people’s #1 fear… usually ranking above the fear of death.

If you have any level of fear, even if you are terrified when it comes to public speaking, I’m here to tell you that you do not have to live with it. There are all sorts of techniques you can use, but the people at have produced a new audio program.

”You can literally erase your fear of public speaking… whether it’s a brutally intense fear or just a small twinge. And you can do it without effort or struggle with a new audio program just released:”

Fearless Public Speaking Now!

In cultures that have had little or no exposure to books, handling a book properly is a skill that must be learned.

Read on ...

 MS Australia is encouraging children to have fun reading to change the lives of Australians living with multiple sclerosis (MS) by taking part in the annual MS Readathon. Each working day five people are diagnosed with MS, a disease that affects the body’s central nervous system producing symptoms such as blurred vision, loss of balance, pins and needles and speech difficulties. With no known cause or cure for MS, this annual event has become one of the largest fundraisers for MS Australia. Each year the MS Readathon inspires children to help people living with MS by collecting sponsorship from family and friends for the books they read in the month of June. Participants who complete receive a Certificate and reading rewards. How you can help…We can send you a Reader Leader pack containing registration forms and posters to help you encourage children to race to register. Please call the State/Territory office on 1300 677 323 to order your pack today. Register yourself or someone you know today via our website

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"Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs. Peace has its victories, but it takes brave men and women to win them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Resource for the Week

Conversational control
Learn how to quickly connect with anyone. You'll never have difficulty striking up a conversation when you use these simple tips. Amplify your Mental Powers at will. Discover how to read people like an open book. You'll know what someone will say before they even know themselves. Train yourself to effortlessly and naturally always be in your state of peak performance. Master this and everything you want will come to you almost like magic. Learn more about the techniques.