with Rogene Baxter, RN, MA, CMC
Having a successful speaking/training/consulting business takes careful focus on consistent practices that can make or break your profitability. You’ve heard about spending time ON the business, not just IN the business — but what fun is that when you’d rather be speaking? Talented presenters have gone broke because they didn’t know how to squeeze the most profit from each engagement. If you don’t know how to do this you might be one of them.
Rogene has had a highly successful practice for nearly three decades. Clients flock to her for six-figure engagements. She’s figured out the small business practices that pay off big and keep her and a bevy of subcontractors thriving.
You will learn:
- why to start with a business mind-set
- how to develop formulas to more accurately determine fees in proposals so you are not underpricing your services
- what key components to include in a contract to ensure your IP is protected
- how to make sure you are paid on time and ramifications if you are not
- how to you make sure you’re paid regularly for more than one-time engagements
- ways to assure you are making what you think you are
- what you should know about using subcontractors to extend your impact and business
Register or order the CD or MP3 recording
Date: Thursday, June 26
Time: 7:00 pm Eastern, 6 pm Central, 5 pm Mountain, 4 pm Pacific
Length: 60 minutes
Cost: $25
Special Limited-Time Offer:
If you want more information on ways to run your business more profitably, we’re offering a special discount — only $10 each (while quantities last) — on the audiotapes (note: not CDs or MP3s) of two earlier programs to complement Rogene’s program:
- “Don’t Grow Your Career — Build a Business” with Rita Risser, JD, CSP
- “Profitable Proposals For Contracts Beyond One-Time Events” with Warren Evans, CSP
- “Make More Money By Doing Less: How to Leverage One Engagement into Profitable Results for Your Clients and Your Bottom Line” with Lorna Riley, CSP
With your order of Rogene’s teleseminar, CD or MP3, at checkout you will be offered these tapes and transcripts at a special discounted price of $10/each. This offer expires July 15.