Enigma -  Bestseller Graeme Base harks back to his classic New York Times bestselling solve-the-mystery story The Eleventh Hour in an all-new book that will “puzzle” and entice young readers.

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"A human being is a part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely, but the striving for such achievement is in itself a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."
-- Albert Einstein

One of the easiest ways to save money on food is to stop throwing it away. It's easy to forget that the most expensive food you buy is food you don't eat.

The typical American family throws away 14 percent of all groceries brought into the house, according to a University of Arizona study. It doesn't have to be that way. Simple techniques can help reduce the grocery bill. Here are a few of our favorites:

From Dallas News ... read on ...

She longed for adventure.

So she left her home and ventured out into the wide world.

The pleasures and perils she met proved plentiful: marauding pirates on the majestic seas, a ferocious lion under the bright lights of the big top, a mysterious stranger in an exotic and bustling bazaar


 "This is easily the most beautiful picture book I've witnessed in a long time. Bliss and DiCamillo have make a classic picture book -- outstanding. "

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"To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it."

Wilson Mizner

Resource for the Week

How to make someone's day Extraordinary!

Learn how to create Unique and Original Gift Boxes in minutes (& Stand out from the crowd!)

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Bill Tancer, author of Click (Hyperion), was the
featured speaker at Wednesday's CBC
annual meeting.

In the 2008 annual meeting of the Children’s Book Council, held on Wednesday, September 24, executive director Robin Adelson called the CBC “dynamic,” noting the increased activity during the previous year is “a sign of things to come.” The CBC has gone “back to basics,” she stated; the staff has been reorganized, and the sales of printed materials have been discontinued, resulting in a profit for the first time in years, of more than $90,000 for the fiscal year that ended in June 2008. 

CBC chair Suzanne Murphy reviewed the highlights of the previous year, including the naming of the first National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature, in conjunction with the Library of Congress; holding two Children’s Book Weeks within six months of each other (to move the official week into May, going forward); reactivating the Every Child a Reader program run by the CBC Foundation, which is chaired by Lori Benton; continuing and expanding initiatives such as the co-sponsoring of bibliographies; overhauling the CBC Web site, and growing the Early Career Committee, aimed at younger publishing staff.  


by Cathleen Fillmore

This book is not for beginners. It’s not filled with tips on how to be an effective speaker. It has nothing to do with how to project your voice, how to organize a speech, or how to overcome shyness. This book is for the public speaker ready to take it to the next level, the speaker who is ready to go out and speak professionally to organizations and make large sums of money, starting at $2,500. If you’re that person, read this book. If you’re shy, read another book first. If you’re still learning to be a public speaker, but you’re passionate about it, read this book so you can take your career to the next level. This is the book every public speaker should use as a roadmap toward career success.

Read more ... plus how to get the book for free or as part of a bargain package - pay only one-third of its true price


The Stock Market, The ''Bail Out'', and The crazy political situation might be causing you some stress.

I know I am a little stressed about the economy right now.

Is this tinge of stress and anxiety I am feeling a bad thing?

A new study says it might just be a good thing.

A study just published in the Journal, ''Psychological Science'', seems to indicate that anxiety might be the tool that body uses to help you not make the same mistake twice!

In the study, people who did not experience enough anxiety tended to repeat their mistakes.

Click below to read the details about this study and a report from the Mayo Clinic about stress management:
